Thursday, August 31, 2023

The History of World Photography Day

Today is a special day that celebrates the art, science, and history of photography. World Photography Day is commemorated every year on 19 August, and though the technology may have changed over the years the essence of photography has remained the same.

The Significance of August 19th
The origins of World Photography Day date back to August 19th, 1839, when the government in France purchased the patent for the Daguerreotype process. 

The daguerreotype process made it possible to capture the image seen inside a camera obscura and preserve it as an object. It was the first practical photographic process and ushered in a new age of pictorial possibility. When France patented it they also stated it was their gift to the world, as this invention changed the way we can see the world. 

We have come a long way since the slow process of creating an image and the photography equipment of today is a true wonder, able to capture objects with such detail that Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre himself, the inventor of the daguerreotype probably wouldn’t have even imagined possible.

Ok, but how has Photography changed the world?
Without the invention of the camera, it wouldn’t have been possible to capture the history of this world in images.

They give credit to the media providing proof and validation behind claims. They capture important figures from history or preserve what is currently happening in the world. Years from now, our younger generations will only recognize certain celebrities and political figures because of their likeness captured by the lens.

Then even beyond Earth, what a lens is capable of capturing today is quite surreal. NASA has an extremely impressive image collection for example and you can probably remember the recent fanfare over the James Webb images.

Let’s Hear It for Photography
One of the most important things about photography put simply is that it is fun! It’s a form of play and escape and allows us to engage with various interests. As cameras have become cheaper, taking photos has become accessible and has grown in popularity. It is a medium of creative expression, allowing us to communicate an event or deeper emotions. 

The photograph has come to serve us in many ways; commemorating people and places, acting as a form of communication, and providing art and life to our homes and shared spaces.

Here are a few ways to celebrate photography with us:

  • Submit to the World Photography Day Quests
  • Check out 500px Icons Gallery
  • Explore 10 Up and Coming 500px Photographers
  • Upload your photos on socials and tag us #WorldPhotoDay500px

The post The History of World Photography Day appeared first on 500px.

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10 up-and-coming photographers on 500px to watch out for on World Photography Day

As the world gears up to celebrate World Photography Day, we at 500px thought, “Why not use our megaphone to introduce you to some incredible hidden gems in the world of photography?”

So, let’s dive into an exciting adventure where you’ll meet 10 talented creatives who we think are going to change the game when it comes to capturing the beauty of life through photography.

Be sure to show them some appreciation by visiting their profiles on 500px and giving them a follow.

1. Carlotta Ricci

Working in analog requires a real knowledge of the camera and lighting — it takes photography back to its origins and can be difficult to navigate while also staying focused on your subject.

Carlotta has mastered the art of film photography, however, and captures emotive portraits in soft, gentle tones that deliver a wave of nostalgia in the best way possible.

View more of Carlotta’s work on her 500px Profile.

2. Seth Macey

The mountains and untouched landscapes aren’t available to everyone, but Seth’s stunning nature photography brings it to you.

This skilled wildlife photographer knows how to shoot nature ethically and, with a balance of patience and technical expertise, he gets up close and personal with deer, moose, owls, and more.

View more of Seth’s work on his 500px Profile.

3. Bree Friesen

Photography is a form of expression, and Bree takes this to heart with her creative and conceptual imagery.

Her images are not made to fit in, they are a creative refuge for the artist and a vehicle of escape for the viewer. There is beauty in the peculiar, and from her dramatically posed models to the diffused light or pops of color, we’re teleported to a beautiful scene.

View more of Bree’s work on her 500px Profile.

4. Gustavo Chams

This photographer’s background in creative direction and design is apparent in his phenomenal fashion photos.

Gustavo’s images successfully highlight the clothing, accessories, or beauty at the heart of his shot in a visually appealing and artistic manner. This requires him to understand his client’s brand and message, to collaborate seamlessly with his models, and to compose the frame thoughtfully. His resulting body of work is extremely impressive.

View more of Gustavo’s work on his 500px Profile.

5. Mary Bel

Fine art photography isn’t about duplicating what the eye sees in front of the lens, it inverts our idea of reality.

Mary Bel’s imagery throws us for a loop on how she constructs such surrealism, and that’s part of the magic behind it.

View more of Mary Bel’s work on her 500px Profile.

6. Rebecca Adler

A mix of travel, fashion, food, and lifestyle photography, this photographer is mainly drawn to travel photography and uses a pastel muted palette to deliver whimsical wanderlust images.

The vintage feel to this globetrotter’s photo portfolio is a welcome aesthetic that delivers a dose of happiness.

View more of Rebecca’s work on her 500px Profile.

7. Babak Fatholahi

This is the perfect example of a self-taught photographer who has leveled up his skill set through his own initiative.

His images are often focused solely on one model, at the center of the scene, with moody colors or classic black and white. Lighting never hinders his photography but is central to his storytelling.

View more of Babak’s work on his 500px Profile.

8. Michael Eugster

Taking to the streets with his camera, Michael captures the human experience.

With a knack for capturing candid moments, Michael has an optimistic approach to street photography, and, through this energy, he manages to document the unexpected in creative ways.

View more of Michael’s work on his 500px Profile.

9. Matteo Sergo

Beauty shots, that also feel like a respite from the every day, is how we’d describe Matteo’s beautiful editorial style images.

Whether set on the coast, in a greenhouse, or in the studio, the focus stays firmly on the model.

View more of Matteo’s work on his 500px Profile.

10. Sara Zanini

With her drone, Sara — a travel photographer — moves our eyes up, and shows us the most beautiful bird’s eye views of dream destinations from the Philippines to Italy.

She has a defined style and color palette, sticking mainly with cool tones and high contrast. Armchair travelers will be transported all over the world by browsing her impressive portfolio of work.

View more of Sara’s work on her 500px Profile.

Not on 500px yet? Sign up here to explore more impactful photography.

The post 10 up-and-coming photographers on 500px to watch out for on World Photography Day appeared first on 500px.

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Monday, August 14, 2023

Colorado Wrongful Death Lawyers

Colorado Wrongful Death Lawyers

If you have lost a loved one because of a wrongful death, you certainly have enough to deal with emotionally without worrying about the financial impact. Colorado law recognizes that wrongful death carries significant financial consequences to the family of the victim, and it allows surviving family members to seek restitution. Contact the sympathetic and caring lawyers at the Law Offices of Bradley S. Freedberg, PC to discuss your wrongful death case and see if you have legal avenues through which to pursue compensation.

Click Here For Colorado Wrongful Death Lawyers!
Negligence, carelessness and failure to properly maintain standards of safety are frequently to blame in cases of wrongful death. In such cases, you’ll need the help of a committed team of lawyers to help you get the financial settlement you’re entitled to under Colorado law. Medical and funeral expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering are all eligible for reimbursement in a lawsuit if your case goes to trial.

Hire Colorado Wrongful Death Lawyers Who Will Fight to Win You a Settlement

From the moment you take advantage of our free consultation, you’ll see for yourself that the lawyers at the Law Offices of Bradley S. Freedberg, PC are a different breed than you usually find in Colorado personal injury firms. We offer unparalleled attention to our clients. Also, in many cases, we can be hired on a deferred contingency fee basis.

Call or come in for a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our lawyers. You’ve suffered enough without having to worry about your finances. Start the process of getting the settlement you deserve; contact us today.

Colorado Wrongful Death Attorneys

Colorado Wrongful Death Attorneys

Few things in life are more tragic than an untimely and wrongful death. Too often, the surviving family members are left to endure financial hardship in addition to their emotional bereavement. The attorneys at the Law Offices of Bradley S. Freedberg, PC are sensitive to your loss; we regularly advocate for the rights of people like yourself.

Click Here For Colorado Wrongful Death Attorneys!
In many cases, wrongful death results from negligent or careless conduct or the indifference of a property owner who failed to maintain his or her premises in a satisfactory manner. Colorado law states that the family of a wrongful death victim whose loss of life is due to negligence of this nature is entitled to be compensated financially. Protect your rights: Speak to attorneys whose passion it is to uphold them.

Hire Colorado Wrongful Death Attorneys with Passion and Experience

For nearly 20 years, the attorneys at the Law Offices of Bradley S. Freedberg, PC have been helping the families of victims of wrongful death all across Colorado collect the monies they deserve. We do it with a caring touch and a passionate zeal for advocating for victims’ rights that you are unlikely to find in other Colorado personal injury law firms. Speak to us today to learn more about how we can help.

Consultations are always free and come with no obligation. Our lawyers are more than happy to speak to you via telephone or in person, and we accept clients from all across Colorado. Your tragic loss doesn’t have to come with financial consequences; give us a call.

Colorado Truck Accident Lawyer

Colorado Truck Accident Lawyer

Most car and truck accidents in Colorado are not really “accidents” in the true sense of the word. Almost all accidents are caused by negligent, careless or reckless behavior on the part of one or more of the drivers involved in the accident. Because of that, drivers who were not at fault in the accident are often left to shoulder whatever additional costs their insurance doesn’t cover.

Click Here For Colorado Truck Accident Lawyer!
If you or someone you love has been hurt in a truck accident that was not his fault, protect the rights provided for by Colorado law. Speak to a lawyer with the know-how to get you the financial settlement you deserve. Call the Law Offices of Bradley S. Freedberg, PC.

Hire a Colorado Truck Accident Lawyer Who Puts Your Rights First

Too often, truck accidents are caused by negligent, careless or dangerous driving. You need a lawyer on your side who will fight to ensure that your injuries are compensated for. At the Law Offices of Bradley S. Freedberg, PC, we’ve been prioritizing clients for nearly 20 years. Unlike many personal injury lawyers, we believe that you benefit from one-on-one access to your lawyer. We make only minimal use of paralegal and support staff, preferring to interact directly with our clients instead.

There’s a good reason we’ve come to be regarded as one of the best personal injury law firms in Colorado. Call us today to arrange a free telephone or in-person consultation with a lawyer. Discover the difference we can make in getting you the compensation the law entitles you to.

Colorado Truck Accident Attorney

Colorado Truck Accident Attorney

If you have been injured in a truck accident that was not your fault, you should become familiar with your rights as protected by Colorado law. Defend yourself against financial expense and responsibility that resulted from another’s negligence. Talk to an attorney at the Law Offices of Bradley S. Freedberg, PC.

Click Here For Colorado Truck Accident Attorney!
Most car and truck accidents are not “accidents” in the truest sense of the world. They are generally caused by the negligence, reckless driving or otherwise irresponsible behavior of a driver. If you were hurt in a truck accident that was not your fault, Colorado law states that you may be entitled to seek damages for your pain and suffering, medical bills, and any lost wages you have had to deal with.

Retain a Colorado Truck Accident Attorney with a Winning Attitude

Your attorney should prioritize your needs at all times. That’s why, at the Law Offices of Bradley S. Freedberg, PC, we entitle all of our clients to total and exclusive access to their attorney at all times. While many Colorado law firms make excessive use of paralegal and support staff, our attorneys are here for you, start to finish.

Accident victims deserve equitable and fair treatment under the law. To get started on securing the financial restitution you deserve, call the Law Offices of Bradley S. Freedberg, PC today. We are glad to offer our prospective clients favorable terms and a consultation free of cost or obligation. We’re here for you, so put us to work!

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Colorado Premises Liability Lawyers

Colorado Premises Liability Lawyers

All too often, Colorado law firms sweep the needs of their clients under the rug, leaving them to interface mostly with support staff and paralegals. At the Law Offices of Bradley S. Freedberg, PC, our lawyers believe in a hands-on approach that puts our clients first. It’s been our formula for success for nearly 20 years.

Click Here For Colorado Premises Liability Lawyers!
If you believe you or someone you care about was the victim of premises liability, contact our offices to learn more about how your rights are protected by Colorado law. When an owner’s negligent or irresponsible upkeep of property results in injury, the law says he can be held financially accountable. Get proper compensation for your expenses, pain and suffering; call our offices and speak to one of our lawyers.

Put the Most Committed Colorado Premises Liability Lawyers to Work for You

Our premises liability lawyers remain exclusively and directly accessible to you and your family throughout the legal process. In many premises liability cases, we can arrange to fight your case on a contingency fee basis. This means that you won’t owe our lawyers any up-front fees; instead, they become due only after you have received a settlement.

We worked hard to become the premier personal injury law firm in Colorado. Put us to work to protect your rights. Get started today by giving us a call to set up a consultation. As always, they are free of charge or obligation. Help us help you get the settlement you deserve; call now!

Colorado Premises Liability Attorneys

Colorado Premises Liability Attorneys

Under Colorado law, responsibility attaches to the owner of property that hasn’t been properly maintained when injury or death results. If the dangerous conditions left by a property owner have caused tragedy for you or someone you love, call the Law Offices of Bradley S. Freedberg, PC. Premises liability is one of our areas of special expertise in the field of personal injury.

Click Here For Colorado Premises Liability Attorneys!
Our attorneys recognize when an owner’s bad faith led directly to harm. If you believe this has happened to you, you have a responsibility to yourself and to your family to protect your rights. Colorado law allows for the award of financial damages to injured victims in premises liability cases.

Colorado Premises Liability Attorneys Who Protect Your Legal Rights

You should receive restitution for your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering if a negligent property owner’s failure to maintain safety standards resulted in injury. Our attorneys work tirelessly to ensure that your rights under the law are upheld. That’s the reason we prefer to work with you on a one-on-one basis, rather than leave you stuck dealing with support and paralegal staff the way many Colorado personal injury attorneys do.

To see if you have a premises liability case to make, contact our Denver offices. Our attorneys are available for a free consultation, which can be conducted over the telephone or in our offices. If you want to set things right, get Denver’s most committed team of attorneys on your side. Call the Law Offices of Bradley S. Freedberg today.

Colorado Personal Injury Lawyers

Colorado Personal Injury Lawyers

Frequently, serious personal injury and even wrongful death result from the negligence of others. Reckless or intentionally dangerous behavior results in hundreds of accidents every year in Colorado. In such cases, victims can be left to deal with the financial consequences caused by the negligent actions of another party.

Click Here For Colorado Personal Injury Lawyers!
One Colorado law firm enjoys a sterling reputation for its commitment and success: the Law Offices of Bradley S. Freedberg, PC. In matters of personal injury caused by car accidents, negligent property upkeep, medical malpractice and wrongful death, we take victims’ rights very seriously. Upholding them and getting victims of injury the financial compensation they deserve under Colorado law is the number-one priority of our team of lawyers.

Experience That Makes a Difference in Colorado Personal Injury Lawyers

For nearly 20 years, the lawyers at the Law Offices of Bradley S. Freedberg, PC have righted the financial wrongs personal injury victims have been left to face. We enjoy a very high rate of client satisfaction because of our hands-on approach. Rather than leave our clients to communicate primarily with support staff, we encourage clients to enjoy complete and total access to our lawyers, from day one until the final resolution of the case.

Because we’re entirely committed to helping our clients achieve the results they deserve, we can frequently be hired to work on a contingency fee basis. Call our Denver offices today if you’ve been the victim of personal injury. We’re available for a no-cost, no-obligation consultation.

Colorado Personal Injury Attorneys

Colorado Personal Injury Attorneys

In Colorado, one name stands tall above the rest when it comes to personal injury litigation: the Law Offices of Bradley S. Freedberg, PC. Our group of attorneys enjoys a deserved reputation as the most dedicated in Colorado. For nearly 20 years, we’ve built our success by putting our clients first.

Click Here For Colorado Personal Injury Attorneys!
Personal injury and wrongful death can leave victims and their families financially strapped. We work hard to correct injustices caused by car accidents, premises liability and medical malpractice. Too often, serious consequences follow from the negligent, intentional or reckless behavior of another person. If you or a loved one has been hurt in an accident that was not your fault, know your rights and act to protect them.

Deal with Colorado Personal Injury Attorneys Who Prioritize Your Interests

All too often, personal injury attorneys let their support staff do the majority of interfacing with clients. At the Law Offices of Bradley S. Freedberg, PC, we think that’s counterproductive to your best interests. Here, you enjoy complete, one-on-one access to your lawyer at all times, from the initiation of legal proceedings until the award of a claims check.

Even better, our cases can often be handled on a contingency fee basis. That means your legal fees won’t come due until you have received your settlement. For the most attentive and expert personal injury attorneys you’ll find in Colorado, call the Law Offices of Bradley S. Freedberg, PC today. You’ll be glad you did.

Colorado Medical Malpractice Lawyers

Colorado Medical Malpractice Lawyers

Though current laws are slanted in favor of healthcare workers, medical malpractice remains a significant cause of serious injury and wrongful death in Colorado. If you or a loved one has suffered harm in what you believe to be a case of medical malpractice, protect your rights. Speak to the lawyers at the Law Offices of Bradley S. Freedberg, PC.

Click Here For Colorado Medical Malpractice Lawyers!
Our lawyers offer you direct and thorough access on a one-on-one basis. While many Colorado law firms leave clients to interface almost exclusively with support staff, we don’t believe that’s a productive way to work for your best interests. We prefer to work closely with you to foster a better understanding of your individual needs and increase the chances of delivering a favorable verdict in the courtroom.

Colorado Medical Malpractice Lawyers with a Winning Edge

It is important to know how Colorado law defines medical malpractice. You should be aware that, in and of themselves, negative and unexpected side effects of medical treatment do not necessarily constitute malpractice. To win a malpractice case, an expert witness must provide convincing testimony that the medical professional acted in a manner that fell below accepted standards of professionalism.

To discuss your particular circumstances, consult one of our lawyers. We are available for free, no-obligation consultation, over the telephone or in our Denver offices. Put Colorado’s most reputable team of personal injury solicitors to work on your case; call the Law Offices of Bradley S. Freedberg, PC today.

Colorado Medical Malpractice Attorneys

Colorado Medical Malpractice Attorneys

Even though a tiny fraction of all healthcare costs–less than 2 percent–are dedicated to covering medical malpractice expenses, current Colorado laws can make it very difficult for a patient to seek damages for medical malpractice. However, Colorado law does provide for legal action to be taken when a healthcare worker’s conduct failed to meet accepted standards of professionalism. In such cases, an expert witness must testify that the healthcare professional’s negligent conduct led directly to the injury or, worse, the death of a patient.

Click Here For Colorado Medical Malpractice Attorneys!
You should be aware that unfavorable or unanticipated side effects of treatment are insufficient grounds, by themselves, to claim medical malpractice has been committed. In order to discuss the particulars of your case, call the Law Offices of Bradley S. Freedberg, PC. If you or a loved one has been the victim of medical malpractice, we will fight to the end to secure you the financial compensation you’re entitled to under Colorado law.

Colorado Medical Malpractice Attorneys Who Make a Difference

Avoid attorneys who leave you stuck interacting mainly with support staff. At the Law Offices of Bradley S. Freedberg, PC, you will enjoy total access to your counsel at all times. We’ve staked our reputation on not only winning cases, but also on providing clients with personalized, one-on-one attention while doing it. We believe the two go hand in hand.

Our attorneys are available to discuss your case on a consultation basis. Call our Denver offices to arrange to speak to one of our attorneys today. If you have been the victim of medical malpractice, let us help you protect your rights.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Colorado Litigation Lawyer

Colorado Litigation Lawyer

For the private individual, facing an insurance litigation issue can be a daunting task. Because Colorado insurance companies have legions of lawyers at their beck and call, mounting a successful fight to secure a rightfully owed claim that’s been rejected or withheld is challenging, to say the least. To succeed, you’ll need a lawyer who will take decisive and swift action to protect your rights. That’s exactly what you’ll find at the Law Offices of Bradley S. Freedberg, PC.

Click Here For Colorado Litigation Lawyer!
If you want a lawyer with nearly 20 years’ insurance, business, multi-party and commercial litigation experience, call our offices. We advocate for the rights of the individual, no matter what obstacles he or she may face. Litigation issues are often very complex, and you’ll need a lawyer with the dedication and knowledge you’ll find with us.

Choose a Colorado Litigation Lawyer Who Puts Clients First

Many Colorado lawyers who specialize in litigation law distance themselves from their clients by leaving them to interface mainly with support staff. At the Law Offices of Bradley S. Freedberg, PC, you’ll enjoy attentive, individual attention with your lawyer, not just a paralegal. We will counsel you in all matters regarding your claim, from the initiation of legal action to the final verdict.

Individuals with unresolved litigation matters from all across Colorado are encouraged to call for a free consultation. We are available both in person and on the telephone to discuss the particulars of your case. Contact us today to see how we can help get you the results you want.

Friday, August 11, 2023

Colorado Litigation Attorneys

Colorado Litigation Attorneys

If you are a Colorado resident with a litigation issue for which you want reputable and committed legal representation, call the Law Offices of Bradley S. Freedberg, PC. Our attorneys have the know-how to get you the favorable results you seek. We’ve successfully argued litigation cases of all kinds, including insurance, commercial, multi-party and business litigation.

Click Here For Colorado Litigation Attorneys!
It can be daunting for the private individual to be up against an insurance company that withholds or rejects rightfully owed claims. Colorado insurance companies have enormous resources available to them, which can be very difficult for an individual policyholder to defeat. Our attorneys proceed with the right combination of aggression and experience, taking decisive action to help get the insurance monies you deserve released to you.

Colorado Litigation Attorneys Who Put Clients First

We were founded with the rights of the private citizen in mind. Our only priority is to ensure the rights of individuals are protected. That’s why we take a hands-on approach with our clients, providing leadership and accessibility you won’t find in many other Colorado law firms. Our attorneys, not just our paralegal and support staff, remain in close communication with you throughout the legal process.

Give us a call today to discuss your litigation issue. If we can help, you may qualify for our contingency fee program. Consultations are always free of cost and obligation, and can be conducted on the telephone or in person. Contact us today to begin the process of settling your litigation issue in a favorable way.

Colorado Car Accident Lawyers

Colorado Car Accident Lawyers

Nowadays, victims of another driver’s negligence, recklessness or intentional actions can be left to pay out-of-pocket for their medical costs, and must swallow the loss of wages and the cost of pain and suffering. If this has happened to you, contact the lawyers at the Law Offices of Bradley S. Freedberg, PC. We’re here to protect and advocate for your rights.

Click Here For Colorado Car Accident Lawyers!
Being injured in a car accident that was not your fault can be incredibly frustrating. While each party’s insurance used to cover each individual clients’ expenses in a car accident, law changes have made it easier for insurance companies to reject accident claims. For this reason, we also fight to help clients get the insurance settlements they rightly deserve but have been denied.

Commitment That Makes a Difference in Colorado Car Accident Lawyers

First, know that our team of lawyers remains exclusively and entirely available to you throughout the legal process. Whereas many other Colorado law firms leave you to interface primarily with support staff, we don’t believe that helps us to help you. Our lawyers work with you and for you at all times, from the filing of your claim to the collection of your settlement check.

Often, we can take your case on a contingency fee basis. That means your legal fees won’t come due until after you receive your settlement check. Don’t let changes to Colorado car accident laws leave you paying out-of-pocket when you shouldn’t have to; give us a call today. Put the most trusted team of personal injury lawyers in Colorado to work to secure the compensation you deserve.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Colorado Car Accident Attorneys

Colorado Car Accident Attorneys

Have you been hurt in a car accident that wasn’t your fault? Have you suffered the untimely loss of a loved one thanks to the negligent actions of another driver? Every day in Colorado, hundreds of people are hurt in car accidents. Frequently, these crashes are caused by recklessness or negligence; some are even caused intentionally. When that happens, Colorado and federal law provides for you to take action to be compensated financially.

Click Here For Colorado Car Accident Attorneys!
The team of attorneys here at the Law Offices of Bradley S. Freedberg, PC takes your rights very seriously. We advocate for victims of injury across the state of Colorado, ensuring they get the settlements they deserve. Don’t get left holding the bag, paying out of pocket to cover expenses that you’re facing through no fault of your own. Let us help you recover lost wages and medical expenses, as well as remuneration for your pain and suffering.

Experience Counts When It Comes to Colorado Car Accident Attorneys

Our attorneys have a great deal of litigation experience in cases of personal injury. We’ve been putting clients first for nearly 20 years, and have enjoyed a very successful track record during that time. In fact, most car accident injury cases can be handled by one of our attorneys on a contingency fee basis, meaning you don’t pay legal fees until you collect your settlement.

Put the most trusted team of accident lawyers in Colorado to work for you today. Give our Denver offices a call to discuss your case. Telephone and in-person consultations are always free of charge.

Colorado Auto Accident Lawyers

Colorado Auto Accident Lawyers

If you have been injured in an auto accident that was not your fault and want to learn more about your rights under Colorado law, contact us at the Law Offices of Bradley S. Freedberg, PC. We specialize in getting the victims of personal injury and auto accidents the financial compensation they are entitled to. Don’t get stuck covering your own medical bills and swallowing wages lost due to injury; give us a call instead. We can help.

Click Here For Colorado Auto Accident Lawyers!
In Colorado, it used to be that each party involved in an auto accident had his expenses met by his own insurance provider, no matter whose fault the accident was. This is no longer the case, and, as a result, even drivers who weren’t at fault are forced to meet any expenses above the ceiling of their policy out of their own pockets. In such cases, victims may be able to take legal action to recover their expenses, lost wages and be compensated for their pain and suffering.

Experience Makes a Difference in Colorado Auto Accident Lawyers

At the Law Offices of Bradley S. Freedberg, PC, our team of lawyers has extensive experience in auto accident and other personal and traumatic injury claims. Protecting the rights of victims of recklessness and negligence is our top priority. Often, we can handle your case on a contingency fee basis, meaning our lawyers won’t collect any legal fees until you’ve collected a settlement.

Our lawyers help people from all across Colorado get the compensation they’re entitled to by law. Give us a call today to learn more. Consultations are always free of cost or obligation.