Friday, March 31, 2023

Dog bites in Colorado

A close-up of a dog's face, emphasizing the potential danger for people if they are bitten by a dog. Learn more about your legal rights and what to do if you or someone you know has been injured from a dog bite in Colorado.

Colorado follows the “one bite” or “first bite” rule when it comes to dog bite claims. Generally, a dog owner is not liable for damages caused by their dog’s first bite (the first time they’ve bitten someone), unless they “knew or should have known” that their dog had the propensity to bite or be aggressive.

A Colorado dog owner can be held liable for injuries caused by their dog when the victim can prove that the owner knew or should have known that the dog would bite or be aggressive. If the dog has bitten someone before, or has shown signs of aggression, the owner may be held liable for any subsequent bites.

Even if the dog has never bitten anyone before, the owner may still be held liable if they were negligent in controlling or restraining their dog. For example, if the owner allows their dog to run loose in a public place and the dog bites someone, the owner may be held liable for the victim’s injuries.

It’s essential to note that Colorado’s first bite rule does not apply in cases of strict liability for injuries sustained, such as when the victim is under 14 or the dog owner violates a local leash law.

If you’ve been bitten by a dog in Colorado, it is essential to seek medical help and report the incident to local authorities. Furthermore, contact my office right away for a free consultation with an experienced personal injury attorney who can explain your legal options and help pursue compensation for your damages.

The 500px guide to capturing celebrations and milestone for content that sells!

Every year brands and marketers build celebrations of all kinds into their content calendars.
For many companies, celebrations and cultural recognitions are a perfect platform for product launches and seasonal collections.

In the west, the winter holidays remain heavily commercialized, with projections for retail shopping to reach, on average, $1,455 US per consumer during the holidays, a healthy number cited by the 2022 Deloitte holiday retail survey. Although the holiday season is synonymous with spending in the west, it is not the only hot seller throughout the calendar year. Back-to-school and back-to-college spending in 2022 was expected to reach 37 billion and 74 billion in the US. That is approximately $864 US and $1,199 US per family, as reported by the National Retail Federation.

Celebrations and festivities are found all over the world, giving Licensing Contributors countless ways to produce salable and evergreen content.

In Hindu culture, Diwali is an important celebration. Thanks to findings from Criteo, we can see that year over year, online sales leading up to Diwali grew 17%. While across China (and increasingly other parts of the world), Singles’ Days has been adopted by major brands like Alibaba in 2009. In 2021 more than 290,000 brands participated in Singles’ Day, 700,000 were participating for the first time.

But it doesn’t stop there. In addition to festive and cultural celebrations, there are various other celebrations and milestones that brands and companies participate in on an annual basis. Below we cover the three types of celebrations we think you should know about, and the 500px team covers some do’s and don’ts to help you create the best content for your portfolio!

A quick look at the various types of celebrations found in commercial advertising

Celebration marketing

You have probably seen it a million times by your favorite brands, but did not realize it had a name. Celebration marketing has become very trendy and is when a brand celebrates observed months or days that are dedicated to recognizing a particular theme, group, or concept. National Women’s Day is a very popular celebration by brands and companies.

Some other popular observed days and months are:

-Black History Month (USA, Canada, Ireland, and the UK)
-Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (USA, Canada)
-World Mental Health day (Global)
-Pride Month (Various countries around the world)
-National Singles Day (China and beginning to be seen in other parts of the world)

Do’s and Don’ts

DO research observances that are celebrated in your home country and shoot any that resonate with you.

DO use friends and family in your shoots and strive for relatability and diversity in your casting.

DO consider food as a way to capture celebrations.

DO remember that these celebrations are a space to positively recognize culture and contributions—your shoots should reflect this.

DON’T shoot various celebrations with the same models in front of the same background. This will look too stock-like and will most likely be declined.

DON’T overdo it with the props. Sometimes subtly is best. A small rainbow pin on a lapel will speak louder than 100 photos using the same rainbow flag.

Festive and cultural celebrations

These celebrations are baked into our annual calendars and are observed on an annual basis. Typically, most brands and companies will celebrate festive or seasonal occurrences, however small or large.

In Western culture, holidays like Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Chinese New Year, Easter, Valentine’s Day, Halloween, and the seasonal transitions (i.e., fall/winter and spring/summer) are just some of the popular celebrations.

However, every country and culture will have its own traditions and celebrations, and 500px highly encourages content that is diverse and depicts a variety of cultures and experiences.

Do’s and Don’ts

DO capture celebrations that you take part in and that represent you.

DO consider storytelling when shooting your content. From intimate details to wide shots, get creative and document every part of your experience.

DO look for candid shots of people laughing, crying, hugging, and partaking in the celebration.

DO remember that festivals in the street or a public place may need to be creatively and strategically shot to ensure no copyright or IP issues are present. This may include costumes, people in the background that do not have a model release, and logo/names of business.

DON’T intrude on religious or ceremonial celebrations without proper acknowledgment and permission.

DON’T submit multiple photos that are similar in composition.

Milestones that unite us

Milestones are often overlooked, which is unfortunate because milestones typically have a way of uniting us. From first steps, first words, first day of school, graduation, first home, etc., these are very relatable concepts that can be captured by anyone in any country.

There are tons of milestones, from big to small, that are worth celebrating and can make for amazing evergreen content that can sell again and again.

Do’s and Don’ts

DO use people you know and shoot authentic moments.

DO get creative when illustrating milestones. Why can’t your dog have a birthday celebration?

DO capture candid reactions. These are often the best photos and evoke real emotion.

DO remember that everyone is different, and milestones come at different times for everyone. Do you know a mother who went back to school in her 30s? Or an elderly couple tying the knot? Perfect, we want to see it.

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Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Injuries in Denver

It is essential to do your research when hiring a personal injury attorney in Colorado, whether you live in a Denver neighborhood like Southmoor, Belcaro, Observatory Park or University Park, or anywhere in Denver itself, anywhere in the state including Colorado Springs, Pueblo and Fort Collins. Based on 32 years of experience, I suggest you hire me for your case in Colorado.

Nonetheless, I can suggest some steps you can take to evaluate my trustworthiness as a personal injury attorney.

Firstly, you can conduct research online to learn about my qualifications and experience which are reflected on my web pages. Check my website, online reviews, and other legal directories to see my credentials and experience in the field of personal injury law.

Secondly, you can check my license to practice law in Colorado and confirm my good standing with the Colorado bar. This information can be found on the Colorado State Bar website.

Thirdly, you can schedule a free no-obligation consultation with me and ask me questions related to your case. This will give you an opportunity to gauge my communication skills, expertise, and willingness to help you.

Lastly, you can ask me for referrals from friends or family members who have had a positive experience with my office.

The history of the trial bar and personal injury attorneys in Colorado has evolved significantly since the state’s inception in 1876. As the population and economy of Colorado grew, so too did the need for legal professionals skilled in representing individuals who had suffered injuries due to the negligence of others. The early years of personal injury law in Colorado saw local attorneys handling a variety of cases, including railroad and mining accidents, as these industries were central to the state’s development during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

The Colorado Trial Lawyers Association (CTLA), established in 1953, has been instrumental in shaping the landscape of personal injury law in the state. As the largest specialty bar association in Colorado, the CTLA is dedicated to the advancement of trial advocacy and the protection of individuals’ rights. Through their continued efforts in providing education, training, and networking opportunities for trial attorneys, the CTLA has fostered a strong community of legal professionals committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct and representing the interests of those who have been wronged.

Over the years, personal injury attorneys in Colorado have successfully fought for the rights of their clients, securing compensation for those who have suffered due to the negligence of others. As the legal landscape has evolved, so too have the types of cases that these attorneys handle. Today, personal injury lawyers in Colorado represent clients in a wide range of cases, including motor vehicle accidents, workplace injuries, medical malpractice, defective products, and premises liability. Keeping current with changes in legislation and legal precedents (legal opinions handed down by Colorado judges), personal injury attorneys in Colorado continue to adapt and refine their skills to better serve their clients. They are dedicated to ensuring that victims of negligence receive fair compensation for their injuries, pain, and suffering, while holding those responsible accountable.

In more recent decades, Colorado personal injury attorneys have been at the forefront of pushing for for policy changes that promote safety while preventing accidents. Working to raise public awareness about the dangers of negligent behavior, such as distracted driving, unsafe work environments, and inadequate product safety standards, the trial bar has improved the lives of every Coloradan..

As Colorado continues to grow and develop, the role of personal injury attorneys will remain vital in protecting the rights of those who have suffered harm due to the actions of others. Their unwavering commitment to justice and their ability to adapt to an ever-changing legal landscape ensure that personal injury attorneys in Colorado will continue to play a critical role in upholding the values of justice, accountability, and the rule of law.

In conclusion, doing your own research, consulting with me, and asking for referrals can help you make an informed decision about whether to trust me to be your personal injury attorney.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Semi-Truck Accidents in Denver

In Colorado, semi-truck accidents often have severe consequences, including catastrophic injuries and fatalities.
The size and weight of semi-trucks make them especially dangerous in collisions, and the force of impact can be devastating to other vehicles and their occupants.

In my personal injury practice, semi-truck accidents are significant cases because they involve complex legal issues and substantial damages, and implicate large insurance recoveries. These require extensive investigation and workup, along with specialized knowledge of trucking regulations.

As a personal injury attorney handling semi-truck accident cases, I work closely with accident reconstruction experts, medical providers, and other specialists to build a compelling case. I also navigate the often-complicated issues that can arise in these cases.

Semi-truck accidents can result in significant medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages for the victims and their families
I work to ensure that my trick accident clients receive fair compensation for their losses, including compensation for past and future medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, and other damages.

Semi-truck accident cases can have a significant impact on public safety. When a semi-truck accident occurs due to a driver’s negligence or failure to comply with regulations, holding the company accountable helps prevent similar accidents from happening in the future.

Semi-truck accidents are important cases for my personal injury practice as they involve complex legal issues, significant damages, and have a profound impact on public safety and adherence to regulations can significantly reduce the risk of such accidents. Additionally, all drivers should exercise caution and maintain a safe distance from large trucks on the road, as these vehicles require more time and space to maneuver and come to a complete stop.

Governments, transportation agencies, and the trucking industry must also work together to address the factors contributing to truck accidents. This can include investing in infrastructure improvements, such as better-designed roads and highways, implementing stricter regulations and enforcement measures, and promoting technology solutions that can help prevent accidents, such as advanced driver assistance systems and electronic logging devices.

Public awareness campaigns that focus on the dangers of truck accidents and safe driving practices can further contribute to reducing the risk of such incidents. By understanding the unique challenges posed by large commercial vehicles and working collaboratively to address these issues, society can help minimize the occurrence of tragic accidents and their devastating consequences for individuals and communities alike.

April 25, 2019, I-70 Crash: One of the most tragic and highly-publicized truck accidents in Colorado’s recent history occurred on Interstate 70 near Denver. A speeding semi-truck failed to stop and plowed into stationary traffic, causing a massive, fiery crash that involved 28 vehicles. Tragically, four people were killed, and several others were injured. The truck driver was later charged with multiple counts, including vehicular homicide.

November 11, 2018, Colorado Springs Crash: A multi-vehicle accident involving two tractor-trailers and several other vehicles occurred on I-25 in Colorado Springs. The incident led to serious injuries and the closure of the interstate for several hours. The accident was attributed to heavy snowfall and icy road conditions.

June 14, 2018, Highway 285 Crash: A fatal accident on Highway 285 near Fairplay involved a semi-truck and a pickup truck. The head-on collision resulted in the death of the pickup truck driver and left the semi-truck driver with minor injuries. The cause of the accident was not immediately clear, but road conditions and driver error were being considered.

It is essential to remember that truck accidents can result in severe consequences for all parties involved. Ensuring that proper safety measures are taken, including regular vehicle maintenance, driver training,

I will work tirelessly to ensure that my clients receive fair compensation for their losses and that those responsible are held accountable for their actions.

If you’ve been in a semi-truck accident that was not your fault, contact my office immediately for a free, no-obligation consultation.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Brain Injuries in Denver

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an often catastrophic injury that can result in severe physical, cognitive, emotional and behavioral impairments. TBIs are frequently the result of accidents, such as motor vehicle crashes, falls, or sports-related incidents. Depending on the grade (severity) of injury, individuals with TBIs may require a Life Plan to help them finance and cope with the long-term effects of the injury.

A life plan is a comprehensive outline of an individual’s goals, needs, and challenges after a TBI. The plan is developed by a team of healthcare professionals: doctors; nurses; occupational therapists; physical therapists; speech therapists; social workers; and most importantly from a lawyer’s perspective, patient finance and billing experts. The team works together to assess the individual’s current abilities and limitations, and then develops a care plan, forecasting the costs thereof, that includes medical treatment, rehabilitation, and ongoing support.

Often a life plan is necessary as TBIs can cause a wide range of physical and cognitive impairments. These can include problems with balance, coordination, speech, vision, memory, and executive functioning (decision making). Individuals may experience emotional and behavioral changes, such as depression, anxiety, irritability, and aggression. A life plan accounts for these factors and creates a personalized road-map for the individual to follow.

Attorneys play a crucial role in supporting and advocating for individuals who have suffered brain injuries. With their extensive knowledge of personal injury law, they guide clients through the complex legal processes to secure appropriate compensation for their injuries. This financial support is essential for brain injury survivors, as it helps to cover medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, and lost wages due to an inability to work. By ensuring that victims receive the compensation they deserve, attorneys enable their clients to focus on healing and rebuilding their lives.

In addition to financial recovery, attorneys provide invaluable emotional support to brain injury survivors and their families. They understand the physical, cognitive, and emotional challenges that their clients face, and work diligently to alleviate the stress associated with legal proceedings. By handling the intricacies of the case, from gathering evidence and negotiating with insurance companies to navigating court procedures, attorneys allow clients to prioritize their recovery without the burden of managing complex legal matters.

Furthermore, attorneys play a vital role in raising awareness about brain injury prevention and advocating for policy changes that promote safety. By holding negligent parties accountable, they help to create a safer environment for everyone. Their work in representing brain injury victims not only benefits their clients, but also contributes to the development of stricter safety regulations and practices. This, in turn, reduces the likelihood of similar incidents occurring in the future, ultimately making the world a safer place for all.

Depending on the severity of the injury, an individual is likely to need ongoing medical treatment and rehabilitation for years. They often need assistance with daily activities.Finding an attorney experienced in brain injuries is often a first step in moving forward.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Bicycle Accidents in Colorado

Bicycle Accidents are a Big Problem in Colorado; Serious Injuries on Bicycles Happen Most Days in the Denver Metro Area.

Bicycling is a popular activity in Colorado, with residents (and visitors) enjoying the state’s beautiful scenery on two wheels. With the increasing number of cyclists on the road, comes the potential for bicycle accidents. In 2020, there were 1,479 reported bicycle accidents in Colorado, with 490 causing serious injuries.

Let’s take a closer look at the prevalence of serious bicycle injuries in our beautiful city and the front-range itself.

Bicycle Accidents in the Denver Metro Area

The Denver metro area is home to a large number of cyclists, who enjoy its extensive network of bike lanes and trails. Despite efforts to make cycling safer in the area, bicycle accidents continue to occur. According to the Colorado Department of Transportation, there were 361 reported bicycle accidents in Denver alone in 2020. Of those, close to 100 resulted in a serious injury, and 4 were fatal. As one might expect, the majority of the accidents occurred in areas with heavy traffic, such as downtown Denver and the major arteries of the surrounding suburbs.

Types of Serious Injuries in Bicycle Accidents

Bicycle accidents result in a range of injuries, from minor cuts and bruises to serious, life-threatening injuries. In 2020, 490 bicycle accidents in Colorado resulted in serious injuries (defined as life-altering), including:

• Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
• Spinal cord injuries
• Broken bones
• Internal injuries
• Severe lacerations
• Amputations

These types of injuries can have a significant impact on the lives of those involved in bicycle accidents, and they often lead to long-term disabilities, chronic pain, and emotional trauma.

Preventing Bicycle Accidents and Serious Injuries

To prevent bicycle accidents and serious injuries, cyclists and motorists alike must make a conscious commitment to safety. Cyclists should wear helmets and bright, visible clothing, and must follow the rules of the road, including using hand signals and obeying traffic signals. Motorists should give cyclists plenty of space when passing, and take obvious precautions to avoid distracted driving, and must be aware of their surroundings at all times.

The Denver metro area has also implemented safety measures to reduce the risk of bicycle accidents. These measures include the construction of new bike lanes and trails, and the implementation of bike share programs. Educational campaigns aimed at increasing awareness of bicycle safety have also paid dividends on the road.

Bicycle accidents are a serious issue in Colorado, particularly in the Denver metro area. Significant injury accidents are common place. Hit and runs are common too, most of the riders were hurt — more than 75% suffered injuries. Most of the crashes involved intersections. By taking safety precautions and supporting efforts to make cycling safer, we can work towards reducing the number of bicycle accidents and serious injuries in Colorado.

Motorcycle and bicycle accidents have many similarities. Both types of vehicles lack the protection that a car or truck provides, which means that riders are more exposed to injury in the event of an accident. Additionally, both motorcycles and bicycles travel at higher rates of speed than cars, resulting in more serious injuries and fatalities than those sustained by car drivers. Furthermore, it is estimated that 80 percent of all motorcycle accidents result in serious injury or death to the rider. Similarly, cyclists are far more exposed than drivers and broken limbs, back and spine injuries are common in bicycle accidents with traumatic brain injuries being a leading cause of fatalities.

Despite all of these efforts, serious bicycle accidents happen every day along the front-range and throughout the state. If you’ve suffered a serious or catastrophic personal injury or have lost a loved-one in a bicycle accident, caused by a negligent motorist, contact my office immediately for a free consultation.

Uber and Lyft Accidents in Denver

Police in Tempe, Ariz., released video from cameras mounted to a self-driving Uber that struck and killed a pedestrian crossing a busy road.

There have been many instances of bad Lyft and Uber drivers causing harm to riders in Colorado cities like Denver, Colorado Springs, Aspen, Fort Collins and Grand Junction and throughout the state.

Both Lyft and Uber have implemented safety measures to reduce the risk of harm to riders. Both companies are supposed to conduct background checks on drivers and allow riders to rate their drivers after each trip.
Drivers with low ratings may be removed from the platform.

If you are in an accident during an Uber ride, you may be entitled to recover damages for your injuries and other losses. Here are the steps you can take to seek compensation:

  1. Seek medical attention: Your health and safety should be your top priority. Seek medical attention immediately, even if you do not think you are seriously injured.
  2. Report the accident: Report the accident to Uber through the app or website as soon as possible. This will start the claims process and create a record of the incident.
  3. Gather information: Collect as much information as possible about the accident, including the names and contact information of all parties involved, witness statements, and photos of the scene.
  4. Consult an attorney: Consider consulting with a personal injury attorney who has experience with Uber accidents. They can help you navigate the claims process and ensure you receive fair compensation for your damages.
  5. File an insurance claim: Uber provides insurance coverage for passengers and drivers involved in accidents during rides. Contact Uber’s insurance company to file a claim for your damages.

Remember, the claims process can be complex and time-consuming. Working with an experienced attorney can help ensure your rights are protected and you receive the compensation you deserve.

Here’s a guide to fully understand the complexities of claims against ride-sharing companies.

There have been reports of drivers with criminal records being allowed to drive for Lyft and Uber. In some cases, these drivers have even been accused of assaulting or harassing riders.

In 2019, a CNN investigation found that over 100 Uber drivers had been accused of sexual assault or abuse in the previous four years. Lyft has also faced lawsuits from riders who allege that they were assaulted by drivers.

These incidents are still relatively rare given the millions of rides that occur each day. However, any instance of harm to a rider is concerning and should be taken seriously.

To address this issue, Lyft and Uber have continued to improve their safety measures. Lyft has implemented a panic button feature in their app that allows riders to call 911 directly from the app. Uber has also added a safety features that allows riders to share their trip details with trusted contacts.

While there have been instances of bad Lyft and Uber drivers causing harm to riders, it’s unclear if there is an epidemic of this issue. Both companies have implemented safety measures to reduce the risk of harm to riders, but there is still room for improvement. It’s important for riders to remain vigilant and report any safety concerns to the platform. Further, if you have been injured while on a rideshare, contact my office immediately for a free no-obligation consultation

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Motorcycle Accidents in Denver

Hurt in a motorcycle accident? Call brad.

Motorcyclists throughout Colorado, and in neighborhoods such as Timbercove, Club Crest, the Highlands and Allendale, face a range of hazards that can make riding on the state’s roads and highways uniquely challenging. Some of the most significant risks that motorcyclists face in Colorado (from Far Horizons to Oak Park and all points in between) include:

Weather Conditions: Colorado, where the mountains hit the plains, has some of the nation’s most unpredictable weather (sudden changes in temperature, high wind, and variable precipitation. In the Colorado Mountains, it can snow in July and rain in January. These unpredictable conditions can make riding a motorcycle hazardous.

Altitude Sickness: Colorado has some of the highest elevation roadways in the United States, and breathing at high altitude can be challenging for some motorcyclists. Altitude sickness can cause fatigue, dizziness, and other symptoms that impair a rider’s ability to operate their motorcycle.

Wildlife Encounters: Colorado is home to a variety of wildlife, including elk, dear, and even bears, which can pose a significant hazard to motorcyclists. Collisions with animals often cause serious injury or death, especially at high speeds.

Mountain Roads: Colorado’s scenic mountain roads are a popular destination for motorcycle riders, but they can also be hazardous. These roads often feature steep grades, tight curves and narrow lanes, all of which can be difficult to navigate, especially for inexperienced riders.

Heavy Traffic: Colorado’s population has grown rapidly in recent years, leading to an increase in congestion on many of the state’s roads and highways. Heavy traffic makes it more difficult for motorcyclists to maneuver, increasing the risk of accidents.

Construction Zones: Like many states, Colorado has a significant amount of road construction taking place on its highways and roads. Construction zones can be hazardous for motorcyclists, especially if there are uneven surfaces, loose gravel, or other hazards present.

Tourist Traffic: Colorado is a destination for tourists; many visitors choose to explore the state’s scenic roads and highways by bus, van, car and motorcycle. Tourist traffic can make riding more challenging, especially on narrow roads or in areas with limited visibility and where tourists might make an abrupt stop to take a nature photo.
Impaired Drivers: Unfortunately, Colorado, like many other states, has a problem with impaired drivers. Motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable to accidents caused by drunk, stoned or high drivers, as they are often traveling at higher, or abnormally lower, speeds than other vehicles.

According to the Colorado State Patrol, in 2022, there were 82 motorcycle fatalities on Colorado roadways, compared to 78 fatalities in 2021, which is a 5% increase.

“As a motorcycle rider myself, I find it even more imperative to be aware of what other drivers are doing around you,” said Master Trooper Gary Cutler, a former member of the Colorado State Patrol Motor Unit and public information officer. “Ensuring you maintain the proper speed on a motorcycle helps avoid hazards that lead to injury or fatalities.”

CSP adds: “Motorcycle riders can prevent accidents or death by being aware of their surroundings, including staying out of blind spots of nearby vehicles and maintaining proper speeds. If you are speeding, it’s difficult to be able to react safely and quickly to hazards.”

8 photography tips to create stunning photos on a cloudy day

One summer’s day, Costas Kariolis planned to shoot the sunset at Derwentwater jetty in England’s Lake District. But when the time finally arrived, he found only mist and rain, with no sign of the sun’s illuminating rays. Instead of turning back and going home, however, he stayed.

“The conditions turned out to be better than I could have asked for or imagined that evening,” he remembered. The result: a tranquil, minimalist scene.

Cloudy weather, while often underestimated, offers some gorgeous possibilities for natural light photography. The 500px community is home to countless stories like this one, where a photographer faced unexpected weather conditions and ultimately made the most of them.

Overcast days have drawbacks—sunsets are less dramatic, and the golden hour can be non-existent. But there are benefits too. To start, cloudy skies act like a massive (and free!) softbox, diffusing the sunlight for soft, even illumination without harsh, unflattering shadows.

Another bonus: during “bad” weather, beautiful locations are less likely to be crowded, giving you more room to explore without the distraction of other people. The next time clouds are on the forecast, instead of staying indoors, consider heading outside and taking advantage of what the day has to offer. Here are some photography tips to help you do just that.

Tip #1: Watch your exposure settings

In low-light photography, shooting in manual mode will give you the flexibility to slow down your shutter speed, open your aperture, or boost your ISO—all of which will brighten your images. Bumping up your ISO to 400 or even 800 can make a significant difference.

Tip #2: Embrace long(er) exposures

Of course, even with a higher ISO, you might need to increase the amount of light entering your lens. For landscape photography, the best way to do that is by slowing down your shutter speed and using a tripod. Keep in mind that even on cloudy days, you’ll need an ND filter to shoot long exposures during the daytime.

Longer exposures can create beautiful effects when you’re shooting moving clouds, transforming them into silky, painterly blurs across the sky. The same is true for flowing water, so you’ll often see photographers on the coast taking advantage of overcast weather for this reason. If you plan to shoot water, bring a CPL filter to cut glare and get all those fine details.

Tip #3: Shoot in RAW

When navigating tricky lighting, shooting in RAW format will give you more flexibility in post-production. That way, you can often recover details lost in the shadows on overcast days—without having to bump up your ISO terribly high. Even if you underexpose just a bit (and a lot of photographers do this to preserve the highlights), you should be okay.

Another reason to shoot in RAW is that you can always go back and change your white balance; cloudy days tend to yield bluish images, so adjusting your white balance can help correct that. While shooting, you can also use your camera’s “cloudy” setting or set your white balance manually.

Tip #4: Incorporate cloudy skies

Overcast skies can be flat and boring, with little to no texture—but sometimes you’ll get lucky with moody, dramatic cloud formations. Look around, and face in another direction to see if you can spot some texture in the sky. If you do, seize those opportunities: move the horizon line a bit lower to include some of the sky, and use the clouds to add interest to your composition. (In the 1920s and ’30s, Alfred Stieglitz created an entire series of abstract cloud photos.)

Another way to use clouds in your composition is through reflections, either in bodies of water or puddles just after rain. Sukjin Yoon captured this dreamy scene below while walking by a pond. “The reflections are even more striking on cloudy days,” the artist explains.

Tip #5: Focus on the details

When the sky is dull and uninteresting, consider excluding it from your shot and instead turn your attention to the details of the landscape itself. Rock formations, foliage, and other foreground elements can make for striking nature photography even on gray days, as evidenced by this long exposure photograph by Matteo Bertetto (above). Try swapping out your wide-angle for a longer lens to change your perspective.

Tip #6: Consider portraits

Harsh sunlight can lead to unsightly shadows, making outdoor portraits a challenge. One of our best tips for shooting outdoors is to wait for a cloudy day. Overcast days are perfect for getting outside, photographing people, and capturing smooth, flawless skin.

You can even have your models lift and turn their faces toward the sun without having to squint their eyes. Even though the lighting might be diffused, you still want to get those bright catchlights in the eyes.

Bring a reflector to bounce some light back onto your model’s face and avoid dark shadows under the eyes. If the light is too flat, you can also consider adding some negative fill using a black surface to increase contrast and add some moodiness.

For portraits, unlike landscapes, you’ll need to keep a relatively fast shutter speed to avoid motion blur. Instead, open up your aperture to let in more light; at wider apertures, you’ll also get some nice background blur and bokeh.

Tip #7: Experiment with color

One way to combat the flatness of overcast lighting is to include a pop of color for contrast. Yellows, oranges, and reds can help to add some warmth to an otherwise dreary scene. At Multnomah Falls in Oregon, Brett Cederberg incorporated a red hat, which beautifully complemented the lush greens of the landscape.

Below, Brian Hamill used the vibrant colors of autumn leaves to create interest on an overcast day in Cornwall.

Tip #8: Try monochrome

Alternatively, you could remove color entirely with a black-and-white edit—perfect for moody scenes. Experiment with contrast and curves in post-production to add depth and interest. By taking color out of the equation, you can focus on textures, tones, and light. While photographing waves at Cape Disappointment in Washington, Louis Ruth chose to process this image in black and white due to the overcast weather.

Parting thoughts

While visiting the Island of Skye, Donna Stevens experienced dramatic changes in weather: “cloudy skies, sun, rain, and snow—all in one day.” For her, the unpredictability of the weather created a sense of awe and wonder, with dark and gloomy scenes giving way to sunlit, sparkling vistas.

Landscape and adventure photographers can’t control the weather, but we can plan ahead to be sure we’re on location when something magical happens. If the forecast promises clouds and rain, dare to go out anyway; you might be surprised by what you find.

Looking for more photography tips and tricks to help you shoot in “bad weather”? Check out our 10 secrets for shooting on rainy days.

Not on 500px yet? Sign up here to explore more impactful photography.

The post 8 photography tips to create stunning photos on a cloudy day appeared first on 500px.

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Capturing authenticity and culture with Licensing Contributor Ashvini Sihra

At 500px amazing photography is at our core, but these photos would not be possible without the talented people behind the lens. The 500px Spotlight series highlights the global and diverse photographers that are part of the 500px Community. This week we are excited to introduce you to Licensing Contributor Ashvini Sihra.

Ashvini Sihra is an Indian photographer currently based in Rajasthan, India. The 500px team is captivated by her use of color, originality, and authenticity. Ashvini takes inspiration from her culture, experiences, and the people she photographs. Her work has a subtle way of reminding the viewer that our humanness and histories are what shape us as individuals and that should be celebrated.

Q: Hello Ashvini! Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

A: Okayyy… I come from a very small town in Rajasthan, a very historical state of India.
I love traveling and exploring different cultures and people. I try to bring that authenticity of a place into my photography.

Q: Ashvini, when did you first pick up a camera, and what made you want to explore photography as a career?

A: I tried a few different things in different clubs during college. Photography club was the place where I first used a camera. Initially, I was not sure which genre I liked the most, but I knew I loved taking portraits. I love capturing people in their most natural forms. I only bought my first camera as a hobby, but then it became much more than that.

Q: At 500px we believe understanding other cultures and places enriches one’s creative practice. Can you tell us about the arts and culture scene in India?

A: If I try to explain it here, I won’t be able to describe it. Even I am not fully aware of all the diversity that India holds. There is so much to explore and to learn. India is filled with rich and diverse cultures that people take pride in preserving and passing on to their coming generations.

Modern forms of art are developing day by day, but many artists like to keep a touch of their culture and originality in their works.

Q: Your portfolio is a pleasure to scroll through! The 500px team is constantly amazed by how every shoot you produce has a unique feel. One thing that stands out to us is your use of color! What inspires your color choices?

A: I come from Rajasthan—if you Google that word, the images section of the browser will be filled with colorful photographs. It’s definitely Rajasthani culture and style that inspires me to fill my photographs with colors.

Q: As a photographer, you know that color is a great way to communicate feelings and emotions to the viewer. It is especially important to know how to use it effectively in commercial advertising. Can you walk us through your creative process of planning and styling this shoot?

A: One thing when shooting well planned portraits is that your subject should pop out and be the focus of the photograph. I shot this photo inside my home, so the wall was my backdrop. I had no other options, and I wanted my model to stand out from the background—so light pink against olive green—I love that contrast. I don’t know the science, but it should look good to me—and it did.

Q: You creatively use your photography as a stage to represent your life and community in India. What do you want your audience to take away when they view your work?

A: I used to be embarrassed about these same things as a kid. As I grew older, I started admiring it and taking pride in it. And started including that in my work. So, I think one thing that my audience can take away from me and my work is that there is no shame in being authentic and, more importantly, being yourself. I want people to admire the things that have shaped them as the human that they are now.

Q: The 500px team often describes your portfolio as authentic, real, and inspirational. What are your thoughts on authenticity in commercial advertising?

A: I think authenticity is the future. The time for “just for the show” things is gone. Authenticity brings credibility, and that is very important.

Q: We appreciate how your shoots make everyday places exceptionally beautiful and original. It is a skill that seems to come naturally to you. If you were given an unlimited budget to execute any shoot you dream of, what would it be?

A: Ooooo, tough question—one thing for sure is it’ll be a showcase of Indian culture. Maybe a shoot where I cover different states of India, each shoot curated in such a way that it shows the roots and the richness of the place’s culture and traditions.

Q: Would you rather have the ability to fly and take photos from above, or transport yourself anywhere and take photos across the world?

A: Definitely transport myself—we have drones now for flying.

Q: Are there any projects you have on the go or in the near future that you can share with us?

A: Not at the moment. I am focusing on one of my social media pages right now, which is going well. But I love arranging shoots for 500px, as they give me a clear picture of what they’re looking for, but I always have the liberty to customize it.

Q: Can you share a career defining moment or project with us?

A: In terms of stock photography, it was 500px that got me serious about commercial photography, particularity the 500px Project #ShowUs Commercial Grants.

Keep up with more work by Ashvini Sihra:

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Monday, March 6, 2023

Shotkit shares essential gear for landscape photography

Great landscape photography comes with a range of unique challenges, and having the right gear for the job is essential.

As a writer and camera gear reviewer for Shotkit, I’ve worked in all weather conditions in and around the beautiful Tweed Valley in northern NSW (Australia) using a range of equipment.

This means striking the right balance between size and weight, along with performance quality, to ensure I have the right tools for the best possible results.

In this guide, I’ll break down the essential gear for landscape photography to help you take stunning photos, whatever challenges the elements throw your way.

A resilient camera

Landscape photography often requires a long trek in the countryside, through unpredictable weather, so you’ll need a resilient camera made from durable materials.

Dropping the camera is inevitable, particularly when working on muddy or icy terrain, so you’ll want one built from a solid metal alloy body.

Choosing a weather-sealed camera means you can shoot in rainy weather, as well as close to water spray from waves or waterfalls that might otherwise damage your camera.

A camera rain cover is also worth packing for additional peace of mind. A rain cover takes up minimal space in your camera bag and allows you to continue shooting in heavier rain.

A selection of lenses

Landscapes and the wilderness offer many opportunities for outstanding photographs, so taking a selection of great lenses allows you to capitalize on as many opportunities as possible.

While the best lenses for landscape photography are subjective, here are some of my suggestions for great lenses to consider adding to your kit.

Wide-angle lenses

Often seen as the go-to choice of lens for landscape photography, wide-angle lenses allow you to capture stunning vistas in a single image.

A wide-angle zoom, such as a 16-35 mm lens, provides plenty of coverage for landscape photographs, distorting perspective while highlighting interesting foreground details.

Telephoto lenses

Landscapes frequently feature points of interest and details that a wide-angle lens lacks the capability of closing in on, making a telephoto lens another essential addition to your gear.

These lenses also compress the image and pull the background detail forward, resulting in a different aesthetic than is achieved with wide-angle or prime lenses.

While telephoto lenses can be a little too heavy and cumbersome for long treks, there are smaller and lighter alternatives that won’t add too much weight to your gear.

They’re also great for close-ups of animals and plants you can’t get close to with a prime lens, giving you additional shot opportunities.

Prime lenses

With their sharper optics and lightweight build, prime lenses are also strong performers for landscape photography that deliver outstanding results.

Their fixed focal lengths help you to think more about composition, producing photographs with a more true-to-life perspective.

My prime lens of choice is a 35mm, since this focal length has a cinematic look that also works well for shooting video footage.

With that said, there are other great options for prime lenses that will deliver impressive landscape photographs, and many professionals with include a selection in their kit.

If you have the opportunity to test prime lenses of different focal lengths, have a play around and see which angle of view best suits your style.

A sturdy tripod

While many cameras feature in-body image stabilization, a sturdy lightweight tripod is a must for photographing landscapes in various lighting conditions.

A tripod opens up more possibilities for shots, particularly in low-light conditions or at night time, allowing you to maximize depth of field.

Using a tripod also makes it easier to align graduated filters, as well as shoot using shutter speeds that are too slow for handheld shooting.

I also like to shoot videos alongside my landscape photography, so if you’re thinking of doing the same, you’ll need to choose a fluid video head for smooth pans and tilts.

The best tripods for landscape photographers are constructed from carbon fiber, reducing the weight without compromising durability.

If you’re after a tripod that’s lightweight enough for backpacking across the great outdoors while still being stiff and reliable, our gear guides at Shotkit reviewed a selection of great value travel tripods here.

Remote release

Using a tripod brings a great deal of stability to landscape photographs, but there’s still a risk of shaking when depressing the shutter release button.

You can avoid potentially degrading the sharpness of the image by using a remote release, or as a cheaper alternative, use your camera’s built-in self-timer.


Filters are useful tools that can be used to improve landscape photographs while adding negligible weight and space to your overall gear.

Here are two filters I recommend including in your camera bag for shooting impressive landscapes.


A polarizing filter is the filter of choice for many landscape photographers, enhancing colors while reducing unwanted reflections in your compositions.

This filter minimizes the harsh reflections typically given by shiny objects and water, as well as darkening the sky for a richer and deeper blue.

ND filter

An ND filter—or neutral density filter—is another effective filter for landscape photography that compensates for bright skies and helps to overcome high contrast issues.

When shooting video, I like to use a variable ND filter, which allows me to shoot at a shallow depth of field in harsh light.

Spare batteries and memory cards

One of the worst things that can happen when out shooting landscape photos in the wilderness is to run out of batteries, missing the opportunity for a great shot.

To avoid this frustrating scenario, I recommend taking along at least two spare batteries in your camera bag, or more if you’re also shooting lots of video footage.

Additional memory cards are also important. While you can delete unwanted images to make space, this is a time-consuming process.

For overnight expeditions or multi-day hiking shoots, I also pack a power bank, allowing me to recharge batteries at the end of the day without the need for a main power source.

Camera bag or backpack

A solid, waterproof camera back or backpack is also crucial if you’re out in the wild taking landscape photos.
There is a wide range of dedicated rucksacks for photography gear, and the bag and rucksack you use will depend on your equipment.

My preference is to use a side-slung camera bag for my camera and lenses, with a traditional hiking rucksack for my gimbal, tripod, and other accessories.

This allows me to quickly access the camera without the need to remove it from a rucksack, but still gives me the option to use the gimbal and tripod in certain scenarios.

While there are decent dedicated rucksacks for camera equipment, these aren’t optimal for long treks and can be uncomfortable to carry over time.

A good quality camera bag and rucksack should also come with a pull-out rain cover in case you get caught in a downpour.

Waterproof clothing and boots

Keeping yourself warm and dry when out photographing landscapes is as important as maintaining dry equipment, so you need to dress for the occasion.

There’s plenty of hiking clothing available to fit a broad range of budgets, and a decent waterproof jacket combined with a pair of walking boots will make a huge difference on a day out.

If you’re anticipating heavy rain, waterproof trousers and a poncho are handy items of clothing to include in your kit in case you get caught in a downpour.

For summer landscape photography, it can be a good idea to trade the walking boots for some lightweight trainers, making it easier to scramble over rocks and access different vantage points.

AI-based photo editing software

Once you’ve filled your memory cards with plenty of landscape photographs, it’s time to perform some post-processing to really make them shine.

I’ve been using Luminar Neo for my landscape photography post-processing, which features a beautifully intuitive workflow that allows me to quickly edit my images.

Editing my RAW files is simple, with Luminar’s comprehensive tools allowing for quick correction of any distortion and vignetting in the images.

The range of light adjustment filters means I can tweak the colors and white balance to achieve the desired look, as well as alter saturation and vibrance.

Luminar also features an extensive selection of AI-based tools that can further improve landscape photographs, such as the AI Sky Replacement tool.

This allows me to highlight and alter the sky with ease, accurately selecting the awkward elements between tree branches and around the edges of hilltops.

What was once a time-consuming and laborious task can now be achieved with a single click, freeing up time to modify the sky’s tone and color.

These tools, combined with the software’s ease of use and quick export options for social media, are a great way to transform a good landscape photo into a stunning vista.

Learn more about your favorite camera brands and tutorials at Shotkit


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