Friday, March 24, 2023

Bicycle Accidents in Colorado

Bicycle Accidents are a Big Problem in Colorado; Serious Injuries on Bicycles Happen Most Days in the Denver Metro Area.

Bicycling is a popular activity in Colorado, with residents (and visitors) enjoying the state’s beautiful scenery on two wheels. With the increasing number of cyclists on the road, comes the potential for bicycle accidents. In 2020, there were 1,479 reported bicycle accidents in Colorado, with 490 causing serious injuries.

Let’s take a closer look at the prevalence of serious bicycle injuries in our beautiful city and the front-range itself.

Bicycle Accidents in the Denver Metro Area

The Denver metro area is home to a large number of cyclists, who enjoy its extensive network of bike lanes and trails. Despite efforts to make cycling safer in the area, bicycle accidents continue to occur. According to the Colorado Department of Transportation, there were 361 reported bicycle accidents in Denver alone in 2020. Of those, close to 100 resulted in a serious injury, and 4 were fatal. As one might expect, the majority of the accidents occurred in areas with heavy traffic, such as downtown Denver and the major arteries of the surrounding suburbs.

Types of Serious Injuries in Bicycle Accidents

Bicycle accidents result in a range of injuries, from minor cuts and bruises to serious, life-threatening injuries. In 2020, 490 bicycle accidents in Colorado resulted in serious injuries (defined as life-altering), including:

• Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
• Spinal cord injuries
• Broken bones
• Internal injuries
• Severe lacerations
• Amputations

These types of injuries can have a significant impact on the lives of those involved in bicycle accidents, and they often lead to long-term disabilities, chronic pain, and emotional trauma.

Preventing Bicycle Accidents and Serious Injuries

To prevent bicycle accidents and serious injuries, cyclists and motorists alike must make a conscious commitment to safety. Cyclists should wear helmets and bright, visible clothing, and must follow the rules of the road, including using hand signals and obeying traffic signals. Motorists should give cyclists plenty of space when passing, and take obvious precautions to avoid distracted driving, and must be aware of their surroundings at all times.

The Denver metro area has also implemented safety measures to reduce the risk of bicycle accidents. These measures include the construction of new bike lanes and trails, and the implementation of bike share programs. Educational campaigns aimed at increasing awareness of bicycle safety have also paid dividends on the road.

Bicycle accidents are a serious issue in Colorado, particularly in the Denver metro area. Significant injury accidents are common place. Hit and runs are common too, most of the riders were hurt — more than 75% suffered injuries. Most of the crashes involved intersections. By taking safety precautions and supporting efforts to make cycling safer, we can work towards reducing the number of bicycle accidents and serious injuries in Colorado.

Motorcycle and bicycle accidents have many similarities. Both types of vehicles lack the protection that a car or truck provides, which means that riders are more exposed to injury in the event of an accident. Additionally, both motorcycles and bicycles travel at higher rates of speed than cars, resulting in more serious injuries and fatalities than those sustained by car drivers. Furthermore, it is estimated that 80 percent of all motorcycle accidents result in serious injury or death to the rider. Similarly, cyclists are far more exposed than drivers and broken limbs, back and spine injuries are common in bicycle accidents with traumatic brain injuries being a leading cause of fatalities.

Despite all of these efforts, serious bicycle accidents happen every day along the front-range and throughout the state. If you’ve suffered a serious or catastrophic personal injury or have lost a loved-one in a bicycle accident, caused by a negligent motorist, contact my office immediately for a free consultation.

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