Tuesday, March 22, 2022

MotoGP, Yamaha: An evolution for the 2020 engine in Misano tests

In the tests in Brno, the good news for Yamaha was seeing the M1 2020 prototype on the track, the bad was Vaelntino’s and Vinales’ not too enthusiastic comments on the new engine. “Anyway, being able to try something new is a sign that something has changed,” Rossi said.

And it seems like just the beginning because they rolled up their sleeves at Iwata and want to keep pushing on the accelerator. This means taking advantage of the 6 days of testing with the official riders who remain here till the end of the year (2 at Misano at the end of the month and the same number at Valencia and then Jerez in November).

This was confirmed by Takahiro Sumihead of the MotoGP project for Yamaha.

“In the Brno tests, we brought an early version of the 2020 engine, but it was only a first prototype, and those tests were used above all to confirm the direction taken ,” he explained. “Our riders gave us good indications, and we are ready to take another step forward. Our goal is to make the most of every day of testing, and I can already confirm that we’ll bring a new evolution of the engine to the Misano tests.”

Is Valentino right? You really took a new direction at Iwata?

There have been changes this year, after the disastrous results last season,” Sumi responded. This GP was a critical moment for us but also a turning point. We knew that before changing the bike, we would have to change ourselves. There have been many minor changes in-house.”

The M1 gradually lost ground to the best competition and had to run for cover. The Japanese, however, were aware that they did not have a magic wand at their disposal.

“We had lost our direction in different areas after we changed tire supplies,” the engineer admitted. “The number of problems increased, and we identified the priorities on which we needed to intervene.”

The engine is one of those.

“Our disadvantage in maximum speed has increased, and this makes it harder for our riders to fight against their opponents,” Sumi explained. “ Power has never been our strong point, but we’re trying to improve in appearance by finding a compromise to not adversely affect the M1’s rideability. This is our goal.”

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