Friday, April 8, 2022

MotoGP, Vinales: “The only positive note is that Quartararo also struggled”

“I don’t know how long it has been since I finished 14th, it’s not an easy thing to accept” says a disconsolate Vinales at the end of the Brno race. If you want to take him at his word, you have to go back to his debut year on a Suzuki to find him so far behind at the finish, but in those days he did not come from two consecutive second places.

Maverick had been almost in both practice and qualifying, but he evaporated in the race, which is nothing new for the Spaniard. In the past, Sunday had failed to confirm his weekend performance.

“From the first corner I realized that the rear tire had no grip, it was also slipping for the whole straight” was the brief summary of his race.

But the culprit is missing…

“For the entire weekend I was missing something, I struggled with the tires – he explains – But it remains difficult to understand why I was 2nd in the warm-up and 14th in the race. Perfection does not exist, perhaps we made a mistake, we must remain positive, the potential to do well is there. Now the Yamaha engineers will analyze all the data, in Austria the tires will be very similar to those used here in Brno and I want to get back to fighting for the top positions”.

It is difficult for Vinales to find something positive on this Sunday…

“I don’t think about the championship, you can’t do it when you finish 14th, but the only positive thing is that Quartararo was 7th today and Dovizioso was only two positions ahead of me – he says – but Morbidelli was 2nd with last year’s M1. We will have to understand why I was almost in Jerez and not here ”.

Maverick never mentions the tires…

“They are all round and black – hey joked – You have to work with what you have, understand how to get the best out of them, but perhaps some are more difficult to use”.

He does not add anything else on the subject…

“Now we have to work to be faster in the race, sometimes it becomes difficult for me because my feelings change a lot compared to practice – he continues – We have to find something different, because in this way I cannot exploit my potential. From this situation we can only improve, we need to find more grip. In Austria we will do a very different job”.

Vinales tries in every way to remain optimistic…

“You don’t lose or win a championship in one race – he underlines – You mustn’t throw yourself down, today all in all I was lucky to finish the race, these 2 points could be important. We haven’t lost our speed; we just have to understand the tires”.

There are some observers who say that Marquez is rubbing his hands in glee seeing his more dangerous rivals not taking points…

“I don’t think about Marc, I have other problems – Maverick replies – We are trying to understand where the mistake is and I don’t want to point the finger at anyone. I’m not even worried, you just have to find different solutions so that you have an ace up your sleeve in case this problem occurs again. We will have to work closely with Yamaha to do this”.

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