Tuesday, November 22, 2022

MotoGP: Rins Hoping To Ride At Jerez II – Roadracing World Magazine


Just days after the opening round of the 2020 MotoGP season, the teams and riders are once again preparing to take to the Circuit of Jerez – Angel Nieto for what will be known as the Andalucia GP.

The first race of the season was not an easy one for Team Suzuki Ecstar after Alex Rins was ruled out with a shoulder injury suffered on Saturday, and Joan Mir had an unfortunate crash on lap 2 of the Grand Prix.

But the team have recouped and are feeling positive ahead of this weekend’s race, especially as conditions look to be very similar with searing hot temperatures and bright sunshine. Both Rins and Mir reported feeling comfortable and quick on their 2020 GSX-RRs, and this was reflected in their lap times during the build up to the Spanish GP. It is hoped that this confidence will be carried forward from the get-go on Friday morning.

However, Rins’ participation at the weekend remains uncertain. He has been undergoing various treatments with assistance from the circuit medics and his own physiotherapist, including magneto and hyperbaric therapy, and he is feeling better by the day. On Thursday he will undergo a further examination and a final decision will be taken on Friday morning when the doctors will declare whether he is fit to race.

Davide Brivio – Team Manager:

“We’re ready to start a new race weekend, and to hopefully have a much better one than last week. Both our riders showed strong pace during the build up to the Spanish GP, but it was just unfortunate the way it ended. We hope that Alex can be back on track, he’s been working very hard to regain his fitness in time. Joan wants to continue working on a few things, but he knows he can bring home a strong finish.”

Alex Rins:

“On Sunday morning the pain was really very bad, and the doctors agreed that there was no way that I could race. Since then I have been having a lot of treatment and also taking care to rest and recover. I’m working really hard towards being ready to ride on Friday morning, but we will need to check everything again and have some more tests before then. My feeling last weekend before the crash was very good, so I’m really hoping to be able to jump back on my GSX-RR and score some useful points. I want to thank the fans for their amazing support during these days.”

Joan Mir:

“I’m really glad to have another chance this weekend to get a good result. Last week I felt strong in almost all the sessions, and it was a shame to end a good weekend with a DNF. I’m aiming to improve on my qualifying performance and also my race starts, but overall, I feel really good with the bike and it’s great to keep up the momentum we had last week and get back on track.”

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