Tuesday, July 19, 2022

MotoGP, Quartararo: “Marquez went through an ordeal, I will support his decision”

by Mattia Caimi

For the first time this year Fabio does not see the problem of his Yamaha lying in top speed. Problem solved? Obviously not. In fact, Quartararo was only able to connect with his M1 in the final sessions on the track, after suffering problems in finding the necessary smoothness to be fast on a circuit like Mugello.

The first rider behind five Ducatis, all in all El Diablo managed to come away relatively unscathed on a track where top speed has its importance and where the Borgo Panigale bikes totally dominated today.

There are many Ducatis in front with riders with different riding styles, do you have a strategy?

“No, no strategy. Regardless of their riding style, they really gain a lot on the straight. We have to be aggressive but we will see how the race will go. There are new riders ahead, I think it will be interesting. “

What about your day, better than yesterday?

“This morning I was not very happy, I did not have good feelings and I couldn’t lap fast. We managed to find something and in the afternoon the situation improved already in FP4. Despite not finishing a lap, I felt much better on the bike, even if I had a problem with the chain. We can consider sixth place a good position ”.

What was missing?

“This is the first time that top speed is not my main problem, because I have other areas where I lose more. This afternoon the situation was dangerous, it is not normal to go to the fastest circuit of the world championship with slicks in such uncertain conditions. I was behind Marc when he crashed, it happened in a very strange way, we were all going slow”.

Could intermediate tires have been a good solution?

“Intermediates do not make the difference, in the end it is always advisable to choose between wet or dry tyres, even if in such long circuits you risk finding different conditions along the track”.

You said you saw Marc crash, there will be an extraordinary Honda conference soon. Do you think they will talk about a new operation?

“I don’t know what they will say, but I think the right choice is the one that will make him feel better. Last year he went through an ordeal. Whatever his decision, I will support him”.

Tomorrow it will be cooler…

“If the track conditions are somewhere in between it will be difficult to choose, if it is very hot or very cold we will have clearer ideas, even though I think the situation will be uncertain”.

You seem more relaxed than yesterday…

“Yes, because I didn’t have confidence with the bike, like this morning. Last year I set pole and the track record and yesterday with a very similar bike I was tenth. The bike was very similar but my feelings were completely different, that’s why I was tense”.

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