Thursday, October 28, 2021

Moto3, Acosta: “The goal is still to have fun every time I hit the track”

On March 26th of this year, Pedro Acosta made his debut in the Moto3 World Championship. Four months later, the Spaniard has already clinched 4 wins and another podium and is leading the overall standings. The Red Bull KTM Ajo Rookie looks back on the first half of the year and reveals the keys to his quick adaptation to the class as well as his goals for the rest of the season.

How do you assess the first half of the 2021 season?
“It was very positive for my debut season in the World Cup. We worked well in the first half of the year and in the team, and I am happy and satisfied with the way the first nine races went. “

What has been the best moment for you so far?
“For me the races in the Netherlands and Germany were the most positive in the first half of the year. We crossed the finish line after two runs in which our feeling wasn’t the best, but when I got to the Sachsenring I felt strong again – both in practice and in the race that we won in the end. In Assen we had a bad crash during training, but we were in front on Sunday. I think we did our best at these last Grand Prix before the summer break. “

What was the key to adapting at an amazing speed?
“The key was hard work and the help the team gave me. Without them, I would not have been able to achieve the results that I have. Everyone in the garage is important and each of them has an essential function. The sum of all enables us to get on track and achieve results. “

How has your lifestyle changed in terms of training, daily routine etc. since you became world champion?
“All of my routines have become a bit more professional. I spend many hours training on a motorcycle as I consider it a fundamental part of rider preparation. Fitness is also an important aspect and before the Qatar Grand Prix I started paying much more attention to myself. In the end I did all of this before But what has changed is the intensity and the time I devote to each of these things. “

Acosta: “If I had to change anything, it would be our way of approaching qualifying practices.”

How was your adaptation to the team and its work philosophy?
“I have adapted very well to the team and their habits. In the past we already had a work schedule that required us to take responsibility, so it wasn’t a big change for me. I believe that I also understood the team’s philosophy well, just as they understood my way of driving. Starting in Montmelo, we modified our routines a bit, and that was even better for us. We have also started to be competitive in training and always be at the top. “

What would you like to improve after the summer break?
If I had to change something, that would be our way to qualifying. In the last few laps we’ve been focused on doing our job, finding a good pace, and it hasn’t gone bad for us. For this reason I would like to continue the work plan that we carried out in the last two races in Germany and the Netherlands for the second half of the year. ”

What’s the goal for the rest of the season?
“The goal is still to have fun. There were only two races where I set myself goals and those were Mugello and Montmelo – where I made several mistakes in competition. That’s why I want to keep enjoying myself every time I go out on the track, because that’s the best way to do it. “

How are you going to spend the five-week summer break?
“It’s important to get at least a week – or a week and a half – rest from training and our routines. The body recovers quickly, but the head needs to be clear and refreshed from time to time to continue giving 100 percent. Before the first race back in Austria, however, I would like to return to Barcelona to train with my team-mates. In general, I think that this rest period will be good for us to face the second half of the season. “

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