Wednesday, October 6, 2021

MotoGP, Quartararo’s race ended disappointingly due to problems with the arm pump

“It’s pretty easy to know that I had a big problem with my arm. I suffered from pain for six laps, then I couldn’t. “ Those few words are enough to shed some light on what went on at the Jerez GP, where Fabio Quartararo had to throw in the towel after dominating the race in the early stages.

Due to the stiffening of his forearms, the Yamaha rider had to hoist the white flag, hand over the scepter to Miller and settle for 13th place ahead of Petrucci’s KTM. It was a bitter pill for the Frenchman who, after his protagonist on Saturday and a brilliant start, could not do anything but give up in the face of his physical problems.

“I’m so sad about what happened because I felt very light up front, I was P4 and was able to overtake them. I was happy with the pace, we had incredible pace this weekend and just ran out of strength. It was dangerous for me to do half a race, but I didn’t want to stop because I knew that maybe a point or two could be really important to the championship. I gave everything and unfortunately I had this problem. “

And just think that in the past the Problems with the arm pump He had already suffered, so much that Fabio had to undergo surgery in 2019.

“To be honest, I don’t know what I’m going to do because there are so many alternatives on my mind right now and I don’t even have the serenity I need. I will discuss this with my manager and loved ones so that I can make the right decision. Last year I suffered with my arm in Portimao, this year it was the other way around. I’m so sad because I had great pace today, I could have won, but then I ran out of strength. “

Pain aside, the M1 also showed great potential in Jerez …

“I think I was super fast here in Jerez, enough to find great confidence on the bike and to drive a pace that no one else had. But now there are too many options, my brain is just full of people telling me to go to one place, go to another, and in fact, I’m … lost right now. As for the tests, I don’t know if I’ll be there tomorrow. I will rate it “.

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