Saturday, October 9, 2021

MotoGP, Vinales’ anger: “I’ve changed my style 70 times for Yamaha!”

The disappointment is great. A Misano Maverick Vinales definitely doesn’t want to remember after taking pole position on Saturday when he wanted to play a leading role on the Riviera. Instead, the Spaniard was called on as a spectator at the end, as has happened too often this year.

A sixth place at the end of the race, on the day of Franco Morbidelli’s triumph, proves this.

“To be honest, I don’t know what to say after this race,” he began. “I can’t find an answer. It was more or less the same situation for 30 races now. I feel bad about this GP, also because I have no explanation. It is difficult to continue to have the right motivation after these results. “

But Vinales’ frustration seems pretty obvious.

I changed my style on the bike for Yamaha 70 times and it didn’t help. Finding and explaining all of this is really frustrating. Sometimes I hear it depends on the tires, but it doesn’t. The bike doesn’t work and my difficulties don’t depend on the tires.

And this is exactly where Maverick wants to clarify a second time.

“The tires have nothing to do with it, also because I was able to drive fast with the tires in the final and they are the same for everyone. By the way, the hard one turned out to be the right choice. The problem is the bike. It doesn’t work on Sundays and I can’t understand why. In fact, I can’t drive it with a full tank. I have no confidence and I can’t even turn corners as effectively as I would like. I feel like I’m slipping all the time. “

Discouragement and anger continue to show on # 12’s face.

“From FP1 to Q2, I was always among the best. On Sunday I always have problems and no one can give me an explanation. The bike doesn’t work. When we do the tests, I have good grip, then it’s the other way around in the races.

There are people who think that his lack of competitiveness depends on his sanity, but Maverick understands that.

Let’s be serious. I don’t think so, also because I set up the track record yesterday. I don’t think I’ll have forgotten how to ride a bike in 24 hours. “

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