Friday, July 30, 2021

500px Commercial Grant: Intersectional Diversity

500px strives to capture authentic representation within the global experience. As part of the 500px Commercial Grants program, we provide photographers with opportunities that encourage inclusivity within commercial photography.

500px will be awarding five $1,000 US Commercial Grants to photographers whose work focuses on celebrating the authentic and diverse stories of people from all around the world. Every 500px photographer will have the chance to submit their photos to be considered for this Commercial Grant.

Intersectional Diversity

Now, more than ever, consumers are active in making their expectations of brands and advertisements known, demanding inclusivity, representation, and transparency—they are actively shaping the direction of commercial media.

According to the Google Perceptions on Diversity & Inclusion Study, 2019, “64% of those surveyed said they took some sort of action after seeing an ad that they considered to be diverse or inclusive”.

Brands are beginning to understand that to effectively connect and resonate with their target audiences, better diversity and inclusion, that accurately and authentically represents the lives and experiences of real people, is needed within their marketing campaigns.

While diversity and multiculturalism within advertising have grown over recent years, according to PQMedia, nearly 40% of the U.S. population identify as multicultural, yet multicultural media spending only accounted for 5.2% of advertising and media. This reinforces the need for greater representation and inclusivity to accurately show the rich diversity of everyday life.

The Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media found that only 2.2% of characters featured in ads in 2019 had some form of disability, while in reality over 15% of the global population experience and live with some kind of disability. As consumers challenge tradition in favor of more progressive media, inclusive commercial content to reflect and connect with this demand is needed.

The Theme

Intersectional Diversity focuses on the stories that accurately and authentically promote diversity, inclusion, and representation across a variety of themes and concepts. Celebrating the unique stories of people of all different ages, abilities, cultures, religions, ethnicities, sexual identities, and body types.

Winners & Selection Process

Five photographers will each receive a $1,000 US Grant to develop a commercial photo series to be featured in this Collection.

Commercial Grants will be awarded by the 500px team and will be selected based on the applicant’s ability to execute on the requirements of the Commercial Grant. 500px will take into account the photographer’s portfolio as well as the narrative within the submission.

For more information:

Please review and submit your photos to the Intersectional Diversity Quest
Learn more about 500px Commercial Grants
Learn more about Licensing

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500px Commercial Grant: Intersectional Diversity Recipients | 2020

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The post 500px Commercial Grant: Intersectional Diversity appeared first on 500px.

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