Thursday, September 23, 2021

MotoGP, KTM announces that Dani Pedrosa will drive a Grand Prix this year!

Since joining KTM as a test rider, there has been talk of a wildcard for Dani Pedrosa for years. At the moment, that possibility never arose, but the wind seems to have changed. The Spaniard has actually agreed to take part in a Grand Prix, it remains to be seen which one it will be.

“We will definitely see Dani this year.” explained Pit Beirer in an interview with “We’ll do a wildcard with him at some point as soon as we believe the package for 2022 is ready for it. We want Dani to return to a GP track. However, the final decision rests with Dani Pedrosa himself. He has to tell us if he wants to expose himself to the pressure and stress of a GP weekend again. But he told us that he wanted to do it. We wouldn’t have pushed him in that direction. Apparently he wants to compete with the other MotoGP guys again. However, we have not yet agreed on a fixed point in the GP calendar for which this race should take place. I expect Dani to say sometime in the next two or three tests, ‘Hey, the new bike and I would be ready. I would now like to drive a wildcard. ‘”

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