Wednesday, September 22, 2021

MotoGP, Lorenzo: “Social media is a game and I say what I think”

For the first time in many years, Jorge Lorenzo is not on the track in the winter tests. While he was a Yamaha test rider in Sepang in 2020, he’s now definitely retired and is enjoying himself on the white sandy beaches of the Maldives these days. However, the Mallorcan is still the protagonist on social media as he scolds Jack Miller and Aleix Espargarò. It all started with a comment from him (“I told you”) on Instagram under the photo of Crutchlow’s crash. From then on it went rapidly downhill….

“When I reply to someone on social media, I am not giving them the importance that others give them. For me it’s a kind of game and I have fun. ” explained Jorge to AS.

There is very little good blood between Lorenzo and Jack and Aleix and they decided to pose in a public arena with all that entails.

However, the Mallorcan defended his decision: “I’ve always said that I want a world where people say what they think. I try to be I’ve always admired people who are like that, and I’ve always wanted to be like that. I used to be like that, but I had to be careful because I represented a number of brands, now that I represent a lot less and don’t have to explain to anyone, I am even more myself and say what I think. I think it’s not bad to be straightforward about what you think and say If someone tries to discredit you or to speak ill of you, you have to stop them and tell them that if they go down this path there will be consequences, too. That’s my mentality ”.

In short, the driver’s “instinct” doesn’t stop at the track and when there is something to do, Lorenzo accepts the challenge, if only in words. Regarding the route, however, the matter appears to be finally closed.

“I wouldn’t go back – he assured – Now that I can live things that I couldn’t do before and that I love, I think I made the right decision. It is true that if I had kept fighting to win races and world championships, even if I had raced, I would be now. If I hadn’t had the injury at Assen in 2019, I would have raced for Honda last year and who knows what happened to Marquez, how things would have changed. But I don’t waste a second thinking about what could have happened because worse and better things could have happened to me. In general, I am satisfied with what I have achieved and do not worry too much. “

One final remark was reserved for Pol Espargarò’s debut on the Honda.

“It’s a great debut. He was ahead of Nakagami and Alex and that’s a great sign for him and for Honda, because it shows that he likes the bike, that he won’t have any adjustment problems – said Jorge – I’ve always seen Pol as a very fast and aggressive rider and from what I’ve seen at Honda it seems that you have to have this style to go fast on this bike.

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