Wednesday, September 29, 2021

MotoGP, Silverstone MotoGP round postponed to the new August date

Silverstone fans don’t have to wait that long for the next MotoGP on the legendary British circuit. The 2022 UK MotoGP round will be postponed to an earlier date in August, with the race being confirmed from August 5th to 7th next year. The new date was agreed in collaboration with series owners Dorna to fit them into their revised calendar for 2022, which they are currently finalizing.

Silverstone CEO Stuart Pringle said, “We are excited to announce the new date as part of our long-term commitment to two-wheel racing at Silverstone. We want everyone in the UK to experience motorcycle racing at its best and we invest a lot of time, money and resources to make Silverstone the best it can be for MotoGP and our fans. We also want everyone who comes to Silverstone to come back this year and we are fully focused on attracting a new wave of fans who can enjoy an unforgettable weekend of racing and entertainment. “

“As we all know, Silverstone is a legendary and iconic circuit. We’re excited to be returning to the venue earlier in the summer of 2022 to give us the best chance to enjoy the incredible layout and speed in the best weather. We’ve seen some incredible races here and I’m looking forward to many more, ”commented Carmelo Ezpeleta, Dorna CEO.

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