Monday, September 27, 2021

MotoGP, Pecco Bagnaia: “Winning in MotoGP is a dream, but I’m only at the beginning”

They call it the Red Cloud, they are Bagnaia fans looking to increase their numbers to fill the World Cup skies. The center of their world is Chivasso, a city a few kilometers from Turin, where Pecco was born and yesterday was awarded the Nocciolino d’Tola Prize, inspired by a typical dessert of the region, given to those who have helped spread the name of Chivasso.

In the streets of the city center there are posters of their local hero in every shop window and between the stalls with typical products there are also those of the fan club. The number of members is growing rapidly, “we’re already over 600, but we’re aiming for 2000,” joked the friends of Pecco and his first fans. For the second race in Misano, they also organized a grandstand to cheer him on.

The Pecco Bagnaia fan club

That’s not all: yesterday a banner with the picture of Bagnaia and the words “Mamma mia Pecco! “, Which will be exhibited in the square.

“In Misano I found all my friends with flags in front of the restaurant that evening, it was a surprise – revealed Bagnaia – I have to thank them because they always made me stay on the ground like my parents taught me.

For Pecco it is a magical moment, two MotoGP victories and the recognition of an entire city where he and his fellow citizen Simona Ventura were guest of honor at the party.

Pecco Bagnaia with Simona Ventura

“It’s a great moment, I’m very happy because I went through a complicated phase this year – he said – I got off to a good start, then there were complications during the season, some problems were caused by me and some were not, me had some “ups and downs”. From the moment we managed to fix everything, we’ve taken home two wins in a row. For me it is the climax of a dream, but I am only at the beginning and we have to go on like this ”.

And try to accomplish a very difficult, if not impossible, endeavor: to bridge the 48 point gap that separates him from Quartararo in the overall standings in just four races.

“I’m driving against a very strong opponent – he admitted – I can only stay in front of him and it won’t be easy, but it doesn’t just depend on me, Fabio should make a mistake. But I hope it doesn’t happen, I would like to win like I did in Misano, to fight him because it would have more value. “

The next challenge will be in Texas …

“Austin is a track that I like, very technical and difficult. I can’t wait to be there, I think this away race can go very well. “

Many people see him as Rossi’s legacy …

“I have been asked this question a lot lately and I always answer that it is impossible to replace Valentino for what he has done and for what he was and still is.” – he explained – For motorcycle racing it is something that cannot be repeated, it has brought together a lot of fans and he has always been good at conveying his passion for motorcycle racing to his audience. I would like to imitate that in order to be able to inspire people.

In a moment of celebration, Bagnaia wanted to remember Dean Berta Vinales, who died in Jerez on Saturday.

“It’s a tragedy, you can’t say much when something like this happens, you get very small in the face of such a big tragedy – were his words – when you race, you take the risk, there are things that you cannot avoid, but you hope that nothing happens and this year we have already lost three very young drivers that affects us all of us “.

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