Wednesday, November 17, 2021

MotoGP, Schwantz: “Marquez will always remember the injury”

Marc Marquez left Austin with the winner’s cup, just like at the Sachsenring. Despite his not-so-perfect physical condition, the champion from Spain was able to prevail on both test tracks. However, according to his own admission, he is not yet in a position to always be competitive.

Kevin Schwantz attended his home race and explained to how bad an injury can be on a rider.

I saw the Sachesenring race and thought that when I came back after a long time it would have been the track that presented the greatest challenge both technically and physically,” he said. “I thought his season was going to be a turning point, but then he didn’t find the right confidence on every track.

His physical injuries also affect his mind.

An injury always stays in your head. It’s something you think of when you go into a corner for a long time, the front starts to push and you no longer have the strength or ability to do what you used to do, ”Kevin continued. “If you race and get close to the best every weekend, then you can try to get it out of your mind because you can’t let it be there all the time. “

Kevin seems optimistic about Marc’s future, also from a technical point of view.

“I know the Honda guys will keep working until the end of the season to develop a good bike for the next one and try to win again,” he concluded.

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