Friday, December 31, 2021

Dinner with Hamilton and talks with Ronaldo: How Fabio Quartararo became the best in MotoGP

Surround yourself with great people and great things will happen.

If you’ve ever needed proof of the accuracy of this quote, just look to Fabio Quartararo.

The Frenchman, just 22, has such an infectious personality that his phone book now includes Lewis Hamilton, Cristiano Ronaldo and Valentino Rossi.

According to Quartararo, he struggles to spend the night on the sofa, so it comes as no surprise to meet him for dinner with the world’s exclusive names, seemingly every night of the week.

And it’s all part of the master plan.

Last month Quartararo took his first MotoGP world title in only his third season in the premier class – and experts advise him to win many more.

Quartararo enjoys dinner with F1 legend Lewis Hamilton

Quartararo enjoys dinner with F1 legend Lewis Hamilton

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The secret of success? To be advised by the best of the best.

“My life has changed a lot in a short period of time,” said Quartararo. “There were a lot of names and people I knew, I could hang out with them, have dinner with them.

“I’m still a huge fan of all of them, so it was strange to say that we can exchange messages and calls. It’s really special and I really like it.”

“I take a lot of advice from a lot of athletes. For me, Lewis Hamilton is one of the greatest examples for me. He is currently the greatest F1 driver in the world and he is in Formula 1 and also outside the top class.” .

“In soccer, Ronaldo, other soccer players and athletes, you have to follow an example.

Will Fabio Quartararo win several MotoGP World Championships? Let us know in the comments section.

Quartararo spoke to football legend Cristiano Ronaldo

Quartararo spoke to football legend Cristiano Ronaldo

Quartararo poses next to Valentino Rossi

Quartararo poses next to Valentino Rossi

“I have my own personality, but you have to look like a little bit of everyone.”

Such is Quartararo’s personality, there is no day when you sit on the sofa at home. He is based in Andorra, where his closest neighbors are MotoGP colleague Brad Binder and world rally contender Dani Sabido.

And he’s the one who pulls them out for any activity that he can even remotely compete on.

He said, “My friends are getting a little tired of me because of this!

“It’s great because on the day we’re there we say we go for a test drive, go hiking, go out with the buggy so we never get bored in the summer.

“I think life can be short, so I have to enjoy every single moment.”

Quartararo is traveling to the Algarve Grand Prix in Portugal on Sunday and knows that the only pressure he has to put comes from himself.

With two races remaining, it would be easy to take your hand off the gas. But the elite mentality he has taken from his closest friends will not allow him.

Quartararo celebrates his MotoGP world title

Quartararo celebrates his MotoGP world title

Quartararo holds up a sign indicating that he has become a MotoGP World Champion

Quartararo holds up a sign indicating that he has become a MotoGP World Champion

He said: “This week has been great, of course I’ve celebrated with my friends and family, but I always have a goal in mind.

“My goal is to try to get 300 points by the end of this season. Before this year I had never got it to 200. I have 192 at most and now I’m approaching 300 so that’s something I do this year want to achieve. “

The ultimate goal now is to dominate the MotoGP World Championship for years. But with an exemplary cast of young challengers like Joan Mir, Pecco Bagnaia and Miguel Oliveira, he knows it will be tough.

He said, “It’s going to be interesting and I’m looking forward to it.

“I think we’re also waiting for more to come. For me, Raul Fernandez is one of the names that will be big in a few years. He’s such a great talent.”

“I’m up for this challenge and I want to be that guy. I’ll work more than anyone to be the guy who can win these titles.”

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