Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Farewell to Joan Mir and Rossi: “You lose an icon, but the sport doesn’t lose that much”

A serious loss that does not prevent the sport from continuing. Joan Mir believes saying goodbye to Valentino Rossi is a milestone in MotoGP, but that the history of the discipline will continue.

We’ll see the color yellow in the stands for many years to come, that’s for sure. But the show goes on, in the last few years we have seen Valentino put on a great show and his fans have always supported him, even when he was 15th and that’s very nice. But I think MotoGP is a show that will go on, it just keeps getting more exciting. Of course you lose an icon of this sport, but the show goes on and I don’t think we’ll lose that much, ”said the Mallorcan in an interview with MotoSan.

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