Tuesday, September 14, 2021

MotoGP, Bagnaia and Miller promote the new Ducati fairing: “All advantages, no disadvantages”

They say the first time and the first time in red for Bagnaia and Miller was special for both of them. The two drivers who were under the Pramac roof last year have now moved into the Ducati factory garage with the lock, shaft and barrel. “I couldn’t wait to see myself ride in these colors,” smiled Pecco at the end of the first day and even Miller seemed more responsible with the factory shirt.

For both men, the first day of testing in Qatar was particularly useful to regain speed and confidence with a MotoGP bike, even if the track conditions were not the best due to the wind. However, Gigi Dall’Igna brought them something else to test: a new cladding, which the Borgo Panigale technicians mainly worked on on the lower part. The first impression was positive.

“I liked it – Pecco explained – It has its advantages and disadvantages, but the former beats the latter, especially on a track like this one. Unfortunately I broke it in a little crash and they are trying to fix it. I fell like an idiot, if I may put it that way, I had a hard tire at the front, the sun was going down, the temperatures were down and I went down. “

Jack also liked the new disguise: “With this wind it wasn’t the ideal day for aerodynamics tests, so we have to do more tests and analyze the data, but I didn’t find anything negative,” was his comment.

It will be a fundamental year for both of them and they will have to get used to working in the factory team.

“There are a lot of people who listen to you when you stop in the garage, even if it was difficult to talk to each other today with all the wind – said Bagnaia – Today was a pretty complicated day as it is not easy to get back on the saddle after a three month break. It’s hard to say more, but when I tried to push I felt good, especially during the braking and cornering phases. After all, due to the regulations, the bike hasn’t changed much compared to last year, but from tomorrow we will work more for the future ”.

Even Miller, who usually solves everything with a joke, felt the excitement of stepping into the red box for the first time …

“When I sat down, I was a little nervous, almost embarrassed – he confessed – there are a lot of people, all very professional, and today was a useful day to get used to the new team and the bike again. I would say I can sleep soundly tonight, it was a positive test. I didn’t look for the time, it didn’t make sense with all the wind, but I mainly focused on the pace.

Jack and Pecco will continue their work tomorrow, but before leaving, the Italian also commented on the first day of the rookies on the Ducati: “I saw Bastianini for two corners, then he let me pass and I fell, so I don’t think so I helped him a lot – he joked – Everyone seems excited, both he, Martin and Marini. Luca is getting used to a complicated bike, but the level of all three is very high.

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