Monday, November 8, 2021

Brad Binder and the situation with Darryn in Portimão: “We never want that, but it can happen”

Darryn Binder wreaked havoc in Moto3 yesterday by ramming Dennis Foggia and then ruining his chances for the title, which Brad saw as unhappy and even with a bit of recklessness on the part of his brother, but nonetheless, it’s part of racing so he pondered, though he stressed that it is something no driver would ever want to do.

At the end of yesterday’s race in the Algarve, where he was the only KTM rider to cross the finish line, Binder was confronted with the situation caused by his brother and reacted as follows: ‘At the end of the day, in Moto3, if you’re there Leading group in the final laps, everyone is fighting for a position to win the race and it was a shame that Darryn was a little too “hot” at turn three, it looked like that, and the other guys on the trains may have stopped a little and then the two collided. It’s something that can happen, but the unfortunate thing is that it was such a big blow and affected the title that was to be won.

The clash led to a sad ending that no athlete wants, the KTM rider explained:

– He was unhappy and I’m sure it won’t be easy for him now because we all hate that as drivers. Nobody wants to endanger the other or negatively affect someone else’s race but unfortunately the end result was that but at the end of the day it’s the race. As drivers, we never want to put ourselves in a situation like this, and in no way do we want to get involved in something as big as it affects the fight for the title, but these are things that can happen. At the end of the day you have to look at the basics: it was the last lap of a Moto3 race and he was trying to win the race and unfortunately it didn’t work out and the end result was huge.

Then # 33 said that he had been through similar situations himself and advised his brother to keep going: ‘During my career I have kicked people out without my intention and if I could go back I would change things, but that’s part of it of motorsport. It won’t be easy for him and I don’t know mentally what the result will be, but it’s too late now. Now you have to live with it and move on.

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