Monday, August 23, 2021

MotoGP, Puig: “Alex Marquez didn’t understand the Honda, Lorenzo and Pedrosa”

Again, it’s Marquez who saved Honda’s MotoGP season, only this time it’s not Marc, it’s Alex. As a rookie, the Spaniard has already taken two podiums, one at Le Mans and one last Sunday in Aragon.

Alberto Puig, team manager of the works team, commented on his results in an interview with Dazn.

“Alex didn’t know the category, little by little, until he got to a point where he knew it better than three or four months ago – he said – Now he is beginning to understand how to ride the motorcycle and after only eight races he has achieved a podium place ”.

According to Puig, this means that the RC213V is a winning motorcycle.

“It shows that the bike is not as bad as everyone said – he continued – There is also Bradl, a test driver who finished 8th at Le Mans. Alex has made a fantastic step forward in a very short time, he rides a bike that, once you understand it, can go very fast.

However, the same motorcycle ended the careers of two champions like Lorenzo and Pedrosa …

“Last year a great driver, let alone one of the best in history, Jorge Lorenzo, couldn’t understand it – said Puig – Alex did it for some reason. We’re talking about two riders who are among the best I have ever known and who have ever been able to and were able to adapt to the needs of the motorcycle. Obviously, their value is as indisputable as their results ”.

Why was Alex transferred to LCR, the satellite team, before the season even started?

“We believe that at that moment we made the right decision and that it still is – replied the Spanish manager – Alex will continue to be a Honda rider, he will have the same motorcycle in a different outfit and will have the support of Honda. We are sure that he will be fine everywhere, that he will grow and that he will probably be able to return to this team.

Of course, Marc and the opportunity to see him on the track again this year could not be missing.

“He’s trying to recover, it’s a slower process than we thought. Whether we will see him on the right track in 2020 will most likely gradually recover. ” was Puig’s answer.

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